The Ancient Egg

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Relationship: Platonic

𝕷ong time ago in Ancient Egypt, there was prince named Addaya, who was the sixth son of the pharaoh. 

His older brothers would always tease them about how he spends most of his time alone and away from the sight of others.

But despite the taunting of his siblings, Addaya continued to write notes down on the papyrus paper of different animals, and study them.

One day, while he was reading near the nile river, he noticed a strange huge egg sitting under a palm tree.

Addaya's curiosity led him to take the egg with him to the palace and hide it from the sight of his family.

After all, his father is strict on many levels while his mother would have forced him to throw the egg away.

As the days went by, the prince could feel the life within, the beat of an unborn heart threatening to burst forth from the constraints of the shell. It was a testament to the cycle of life that fascinated him so deeply.

One fateful morning, a crack appeared in the once-smooth surface of the egg, announcing the imminent arrival of a new life.

Addaya spent the day moving swiftly between his duties and the hidden chamber where the egg lay.

Soon, the hatching began in earnest, the shell shattering as a small, baby head poked through, followed by the rest of a young creature.

But the head didn't belong to a baby bird nor did the body.

It belonged to a human

You looked to be a one year old baby instead of a newborn baby.

Addaya tried to understand how a human baby hatches from an egg? How was that even possible?

Addaya scooped you up into his arms, bewildered by the impossible.

The bond between the two of you blossomed instantly, the feelings of protectiveness and care coursing through the prince.

Realizing how extraordinary the situation was, Addaya decided to keep your origins a secret from his family and instead raised you as his own.

It was simple to make everyone believe that you are his daughter, he just said that he had you with his secret concubine and the woman died during childbirth.

Addaya won't be the first nor last prince to have a child outside of marriage.

He wanted to ensure you would not be subjected to the same teasing and ridicule that he had experienced.

So, he spend most of his time with you, teaching you the basics.

"What is this called?"

Your adoptive father asks you, pointing at the crocodile he just painted.

"Coco" you reply, nod being able to pronounce the word fully yet.

"Good, and this?"

Addaya points at a picture of Horus, making you giggle and place your hands on the picture.


You exclaim happily making him confused.

"No, that's Horus" he corrects you.

But you shook your head at him.

"Daddy, you" you repeat joyfully, now pointing at him.

Addaya decided to ignore the unusual situation, thinking that you are saying nonsense like any normal baby.

But you aren't a normal baby to begin with.

At the age of nine, you grew wings on your back and was found flying by the Pharaoh and his soliders.

Addaya's father ordered your excuction viewing you as a threat.

This made the sixth prince snap, overthrowing his father and taking the throne, Addaya murdered his whole family just for you.

Never has he thought about doing a vile thing like that in his life.

It's like someone is controling him.

Little does Addaya know that he is the vassel of Horus.

And the egg that he found inside actually belonged to the deity of the sky.

Once Horus ends his war with uncle, he will kill Addaya and take you under his wing.

But for now, he will just watch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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