Personal V

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Ik this is an au so not everything is the same, but this chapter is different. This isn't exactly the same as my au. This is not another au, it's just a tiny burnout vent.

Nightmare woke up whiney today. He didn't want to deal with anyone. But he also didn't want to deal with doing nothing all day every day. Sometimes that drives him insane. So he got up and walked around, searching for everyone. He didn't want to deal with CC today. The yelling sometimes bothered his ears. He's used to it, but here and there he just wants to throw him across the room.

He didn't feel like seeing Goldie either. He wasn't sure on some things. His feelings started to vanish. But not entirely. But somewhere inside him still yearned for Goldie. Maybe for a confirm. A certain one. At times, he really wanted to continue his relationship with him. But at other times, he absolutely hated the thought of it.

Not that him in general isn't the type to love apparently although that's be proven wrong. But because he doesn't want to ruin his and Goldie's friendship. He also felt..sort of cringed at the thought? He didn't know what he wanted. But he wants to know what he wants. He has an idea. But he wants to know the final answer. Even if that takes more decades.

This started to make him frustrated. He didn't want to wait anymore in pain. Was the kiss for nothing?

There was only one spot he could be. He took a deep breath and masked.

"Whatcha doing out here?" Nightmare asks, raising a brow.

Goldie turns his head in fear. "You startled me! Again!!"

"Eh." Nightmare shrugged. He sat down and put his knees up to his chest. He rested his head.

Goldie looks over at him. He could feel something.

"You alright..?" Goldie spoke softly in worry.

"Yeah,'s whatever. Stuff you don't need to worry about." Nightmare shook his head in anger. He didn't want to talk about it. His feelings. He didn't mean for that quick mood swing. He's still trying to figure out himself and emotions.

"Night, it's okay to talk about how you feel. Even if it's not much." The golden boy smiled.

"My emotions and me in general doesn't matter. Everyone just shoves me around with the emo label. Or the socially awkward label. Or jokes around about if I'm in a room let's say, I would probably be in the corner and not want to talk to anyone." Nightmare rambled, his anger flushing out.

"Whenever I try and talk to you guys, I'm so quiet because I feel like I have to be. That's in my nature. Y'all just pause and continue with what you're saying. I feel so out of place. I feel like there's something wrong with me. You're a nightmare, you're able to socialize just fine. And yeah you have the fredbear plush excuse. But the other nightmares are alright with it too. Why me!?" Nightmare whines as he flings his arms. Him and Goldie look at each other. Goldie can see the anger and the sadness in his eyes. Nightmare can see the worry in Goldie's eyes.

Goldie sighs. "It's as you said. It's in your nature. It's how you were programmed. It's up to you to figure out who you are. He pushed down on how we're supposed to be. Scary. But that doesn't mean nothin'. Doesn't mean we can't change, yeah? I'm still trying to figure myself out too. I told you, Night. If you have something botherin' you, talk. We can't fix if there's no communication. You're programmed to be...quiet. Independent like majority of the animatronics. It's not your fault." Goldie calmly spoke, reassuring Nightmares feelings. He felt related.

"And I'm sorry about the others, but you're always up to talking to me. Even if it's something silly." Goldie smiled, his sharp teeth showing. It felt as equivalent to when humans smile; comforting.

"See? You got the same teeth too. Some people are similar, some ain't. The family has human teeth while we don't. That's what makes people special. Well...ours are sharp and meant for harm, but y'know? People have different equalities and that's what makes you..well, you." Goldie pulls Nightmare in for a hug. He rests his head on Nightmares shoulder. Nightmare's chest felt light again

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