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So uh aha- I've been very absent on here. On Wattpad in general.

I've said that I'd try to be more active but I haven't and I'm sorry and it seems like you guys enjoy this. But it sucks because I've lost interest in this story and I don't really ship them as much anymore. 

And to clarify, I do not ship Shadows Michael and Ennard anymore. That was a mistake and honestly I only see the, as platonic at least. 

Since they're so close, they would cuddle bc idk but not sussy and same with holding hands. 


"Alright, after I explained the rules, you guys have to choose partners for this challenge!" 

Michael, instantly without thinking, clung onto Ennard's hand happily and says, "Got my partner!" He smiles. 

Another example:

As Michael is reading his book, he sees Ennard at the edge of his bed in his peripheral vision. 

"I'm bored, can I go behind you and read whatever you're reading with you?" He asks. 

Michael sits forward a bit enough for Ennard to go behind him. Michael then leans on Ennard, relaxing his body as he continues reading. Ennard rests his head on Michael's.

And that's that. I don't see them as a couple. I just see them as very close best friends as Shadow has showed and mentioned. It's nothing romantic, it could just be platonic. 

Anyway, as I was saying. I lost interest in writing this story and I hope you understand. I will not be removing this story and the other version of this. 

But good news! I am almost done a first chapter of a new series that I hope to god I will finish and not take forever to do. 

I hope you guys are having a good day and stay tuned for the next chapter of the new series :D

My Sweet Dandelion (actual) [Nightmare x Goldie Shadows glitch's au my au]Where stories live. Discover now