A hug

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Nightmare was having a hard time agreeing with Goldie. Goldie wanted a hug. He's like that because of the Fredbear plush side of him and with him being close with Nightmare and also kind of from Nightmares point of view 'annoying him', Goldie went on his knees and begged. Get your mind out of the gutter.

"Pllleeeassseeeeeeee??????" Goldie whined, having a few voice cracks. 

"No." Nightmare crossed his arms.

"Pleaseeeee???" Goldie whined once more, giving him the puppy dog eyes. Nightmare looked at him with a resting face while on the inside, he couldn't handle the eye contact Goldie was giving him. 

"Please Nighty?" Goldie pouted.

Nightmare groaned in his mind. He couldn't stand that look. Especially with the pouting. Goldie is quite like a golden retriever.

"No." Nightmare walked away.

"But, but, but, but, but, but-" Goldie quickly got up, catching up to Nightmare.

"That's what you sit on." 

Goldie groaned. "Just one hug, please?" 

Nightmare stopped and looked at Goldie.

"One will turn into two. Two will turn into three and so on. You're a hugger."

"And you're a sleeper. You're just like a cat. Doesn't want to be a part of anything and sleeps all day." Goldie crossed his arms, looking away. Nightmare walked toward him.

"You enjoying hugging yourself?"

Goldie looked back and panicked at how close Nightmare was.

"Wait so you're agreeing??" Goldie hyped up.

"Never said that."

"I know you like hugs. At night or whenever I'm asleep and I wake up, you're cuddling in my arms." Goldie teased.

"N-No! I only do that to make you shut up and comforted. I care about your safety." Nightmare rolled his eyes.

"You what."

Nightmare realized what he just said. "I mean, I care sometimes, but only once in a blue moon."

"Uh huh.." Goldie rubbed his chin.

"What about when I got reprogrammed and you fixed me because you missed the old me?" He smirked.

"No hugs then."


"Again, never said that." Nightmare walked away smiling. 

"OH, COME ON." Goldie flailed his arms.

Goldie was asleep (powered off) and it was around midnight. Hours after what happened. Nightmare figured that he should give him the hug now when Goldie didn't know. He lied down and wrapped his arms around Goldie's stomach as he head rested on Goldie's chest. He wrapped his legs around Goldie's and powered off.

My Sweet Dandelion (actual) [Nightmare x Goldie Shadows glitch's au my au]Where stories live. Discover now