Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

Opening the door, I looked into Lucy's eyes. I can't stand this woman. I can't stand anyone who has the nerve to take advantage of me because I'm weak. I sighed and closed the door, flinching when her foot got in between the lock and the door.

"Suzy. I understand what I did to you was wrong, but I clearly stated in the contract that I can do those things. You're nineteen, you're a grown woman. I'm giving you an offer. Whether you like it or not, you have to return. You're bound for two years."

I couldn't look at her, so I tried to shut the door.

"I need you."

Everyone will hate me for this... Miguel's face... Just imagining his expressions is killing me softly. I sighed and looked at her.


Lucy nodded and put her foot back.


I slammed the door and locked it. I forgot about the contract... I forgot that I'll eventually have to go back. Goodness, to touch a pole that was never cleaned in years...

My back slid down the door and I clutched my face in my hands. This... Why am I so stupid...? I can't believe I never thought of the fucking contract. It's like I made a complete circle. Just when everything was perfect, something had to come up. I sighed and got up. Looking through the peep hole one time to check if she was there, I headed to the bedroom and collapsed on the bed.

So, I returned to the strip club. I made sure to keep it secretive and was happy to not see Miguel there. The next week was the Les Miserables audition. Cole was nervous about trying out for Marius, but I encouraged him to go.

"I seriously am scared." muttered Cole, "I don't think I'm ready."

"Bro, you got this." I said with a smile, "You'll get the part. They'll more than love to have you there."

"But... I can't si-"

"Don't you 'but I cant sing' me." I said mocking his voice, "You wanted this, so go for it."

Cole nodded and they called his name. Looking back at me, I gave him a thumbs up and pushed him towards the curtain. There was a small applause, maybe about ten or eleven people in the crowd. Yet, he was still nervous. I watched as he took a deep breath and almost cried when he started to sing.

"...Here they talked of... revolution! Here it was they lit the flame! Here they sang about tomorrow, and tomorrow... never... came..."

After he was finished, the tiny amount of people began to cheer for him. I smiled and the judges nodded in approval. He'll definitely be Marius.

Fast forward two weeks. So far, I made over $5,000. Miguel and I have been on good terms and he even offered me to come to his house. I declined, but I might reconsider it. The strip club's gotten pretty popular and there's been more people than ever two days after I came back.

Though, something fucked up happened at the auditions. When Cole and I exited the auditorium, we saw Bryce leaning on the wall.

"What're you here for?" asked Cole.

He seemed to be a little deep in thought and smiled at Cole.

"Just waiting for someone."



"See you around." I said with a smile and pulled Cole with me.

Well, here I am standing with Cole near the cafeteria with the results. The role of Marius was taken by Bryce. Nobody knew he could sing, and he stole the spot right out of Cole's hand.

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