Girls against God

Start from the beginning

The girl bounced her knee up and down, anticipating Lottie's return. Lottie walked back in, a casual stroll that made Alexa want to bash her head against the wall, could she not see how important this was?

Clearly not.

She took the tray off the girls chair, there had been a few occasions when they allowed Alexa to get out of the chair herself, this time wasn't one of those. Lottie picked up the girl, leading her to the hallway with the front entrance, a shoe rack along one of the walls.

If you gave it an extra glance, it could be seen that most of the shoes were the girls, the women's shoes being stored up in their closet.

Lottie carefully knelt down, putting a tighter grip onto the girl, as she searched for the desired shoes. Alexa wasn't able to see the shoes, as Lottie stood back up, walking the girl to the conservatory.

The shoes were placed down, and a chair was dragged out slightly, the girl being put on the chair. The girl scowled at the shoes, red ladybug rain boots.

Seeing the girls expression, Lottie gave a sheepish smile, "it's not raining, but look how darling they are." She justified. Gently taking the girls left ankle, she placed the first boot on the girl, a little bit of force needed to get the girls heel in. This was followed by the same process, but for the right foot. Alexa looked down at her feet, clad in ladybug boots.

She wasn't a fan of the boots, they didn't even go with her outfit, a blue skirt having been chosen for the day. She mentally shook the thoughts out of her head, going outside was going to be good, she told herself- even if her shoes sucked.

With her brief blip, she hadn't acknowledged that the woman had got her own shoes on, a pair of normal sneakers, putting the ladybug boots to shame. It always surprised her, seeing the casual outfits of the women, more so Lottie. She had always assumed that rich people dressed so pretentious, and yet here Lottie was in sneakers, expensive sneakers but lace up shoes nonetheless.

The girls head snapped up when she felt her arms being moved, something being threaded throw either arms. It took her a moment before she realised what it was, she bit her cheek.

A child's harness, a literal harness.

There was a click to be heard at the back of it, it being snapped into place. "Oh don't pout my love, it's just so you can explore."

So she wasn't even trusted enough to walk around a fenced yard?

She really was a glorified stray dog.


The girl took the hand extended to her, being helped down the stairs, if you could even call them stairs. It was a mere three steps, yet she still had to hold Lottie's hand. They had left the patio, entering onto the grass sector of the yard.

Cooper—who had since joined them—wandered ahead of the pair, sprinting off onto the grass. The girl longed to keep up with him, but she was bound by the demeaning leash. "Mama please can I have my hands free? I wanna touch the grass." Alexa pleaded, sometimes if she asked nicely she was allowed them off to play, mainly in the playroom.

Lottie gave the girl a sympathetic smile, "sorry sweetie, another day." She ensured the girl. Alexa turned to the side, giving a quiet huff, glaring at the grass as if it had wronged her.

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