The price of gold.

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Past enchanted forest Vivian's pov. Vivian mills the daughter of Regina jumped startled at the sight of a person standing in front of her horse shadow Vivian urged shadow to a stop and dismounted holding the reins in her hands she walked over to the person and asked who are you"? Name's Rumplestilskin I'm your father". Rumplestilskin replied as Vivian's jaw dropped open in shock. But that's impossible mama would have told me if she had a child with the dark one". Vivian replied. Did it ever occur to you that there are some things your mother doesn't want you to know"? Rumplestilskin asked Vivian. No". Vivian replied. Well dearie there are some things your mother doesn't want you knowing about". Rumplestilskin said to Vivian. Like what"? Vivian replied. Like how to unlock your full magical potential". Rumplestilskin replied. Wait what do you mean my full magical potential"? Vivian asked confused. All will be revealed in due time my dear Viviana". Rumplestilskin replied. Vivian made a face at the sound of her full name don't call me that I hate it it's not my name my name has been Vivian since I was born". Vivian replied. 

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