Wrapped in Desire (Herobrine x Reader) *Smut*

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A/N: This one shot is an alternate scenario that takes place in Chapters 3 & 4 of "You Will Love Me." It describes what would've happened if you never decided to escape the mansion and instead ended up spending your first night with Herobrine, who is all the more eager to get to know you personally. Enjoy! :)


"And if I ran, if I made that choice?" You pressed, your tone quivering slightly as though you were afraid to ask it. The tension between the two of you became thicker. Herobrine's expression darkened upon hearing you voice the daring idea of trying to escape his grasp, but his face also had a hint of sadness to it as if he was disappointed you would even suggest such a silly thing."I don't want to hurt you, sweetheart.. I really don't. But if it keeps you here, don't think I'll hesitate."

The conversation replayed in your mind over and over as you watched droplets of rain gently tap against the window. It was getting darker outside the mansion by the minute. Although the occasional boom of thunder or flash of lightning could be seen lighting up the dark silhouettes of mountains in the distance, it still felt as if you were trapped in a gray world with nothing familiar to ground yourself to. From where you sat beside the glass, you could see the sun begin to retreat behind the gray clouds that just became blacker as each minute slowly passed. Your anxiety skyrocketed with each second, causing you to hug your elbows in attempt to calm down. For the first time in years, the fear of nighttime suddenly felt real. Not because of the mobs or the phantoms said to pester those that didn't have the shelter to properly rest, but because you were trapped in a mansion by a man who wanted nothing more than to claim you as his. You sat there for at least an hour, wondering why the world didn't make sense anymore. Between the pitter patter of rain and the clanky sounds of skeletons patrolling outside, Herobrine's threat was the only thing keeping you from trying to escape.

Your tearful eyes scanned the bedroom. It wasn't your room, it was his room and his room only. You still couldn't comprehend what Herobrine had told you. His voice kept replaying in the back of your mind like a recording, the same words "I love you" ringing throughout your memory. For your whole life, you had been alone. You had wished countless times for someone new to come into your life and sweep you off your feet. And now, all of the sudden, your one wish backfired and the one person that took interest in you wanted to keep you as a prisoner. As simple as your life was before, you didn't hate it. It was hard, but at least you were free to roam. You enjoyed the adventures you went on. You liked the thrill of building things for yourself and the adrenaline that came with protecting your honor. Now that Herobrine was in your life, would you ever feel that thrill again? Would you ever slay another mob? Would you ever craft another item? Would you ever sleep underneath the stars of the distant sky knowing that you were safe and sound? The idea of becoming his docile little lover angered you, but seeing the large, king-sized bed from the corner of your eye quickly transformed that anger into fear. The longer you sat at the windowsill, the more dread you felt.

You wanted so badly to run into the depths of the oak forest and never look back, but in the end, you decided it would've been pointless. As much as you didn't want to admit it, you were outnumbered by the hundreds of soldiers keeping the mansion secured. Running into the night wouldn't have just been cowardly, it would've been suicide. They would find you... they would drag you back through the rain until you were back in his selfish arms even if that meant piercing you with the tip of an arrow. Besides, it didn't help that Herobrine already knew where you lived. Even if you were to make it home, there was an undeniable possibility he could've been waiting for you there as soon as he learned you'd made it out alive. He would find you. He would find you again and again and there was nothing you could do about it. There was no way you'd be able to overpower him yourself. But that wasn't what frightened you, no. What scared you the most was the idea that he'd abuse that power and take advantage of you.

What if? (Yandere Herobrine x Reader) One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now