10| Get away from me

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"Get away from me."

EVERYTHING WENT TO SHIT— the night of Lucia, and Clara wished she could have a re-do, so she could instead spend the whole night in her bed, but she couldnt.

"Wilhelm?" Clara's voice was soft, as she followed after her brothers fleeting figure, peeking through the door that covered him. Wilhelm didnt reply, running a distressed hand through his ragged hair, still dressed in the white gown. "Whats wrong?" Clara shut the door behind her, going to step towards him.

"Leave me alone." Wilhelm spoke, he didnt look up at Clara, barely even acknowledging that she was in the room with him. His jaw clenched, as a small tear fell from his cheek, spiraling towards the ground.

"Wilhelm—" she have him a sad look, immediatly regretting even going after him in the first place.

"I said leave me alone!" He snapped, looking up at her with so much anger it startled Clara, "get away from me, cant you see that I dont want you here?"

"You dont mean that." She said quietly, her hand gripping the doorknob.

"Go away Clara, I dont want to see you." He spit, waiting for Clara to leave, but she didnt, still frozen in place. "Leave! God why do you always have to make things so fucking difficult? Your always following me around like some little dog, just becuase Erik's dead doesnt mean—"

Clara didnt wait for him to finish, turning quickly on her feet, and slamming the door behind her. She frantically tried to wipe the tears from her flooding cheeks as she rushed in the halls, towards the only place she knew she could go.

Clara's heart hurt, it was pounding against her chest, threatening to break through. How could Wilhelm ever say that? It was as if he thought it was her fualt that Erik was dead, bringing him up when the wound was still fresh, when he knew it still hurt Clara to talk about him. She didnt know what to say, she didnt know how to put how she was feeling into words, all she could manage was that it hurt, but for some reason she wasnt sad, expect for the few lingering tears on her cheeks that proved otherwise. Clara felt empty, empty towards Wilhelm and everyone around her, she didnt know what to feel, her only brother had turned her back on her, and she didnt know why— wether or not it was her, or the monarchy or something entire diffrent that disrupted him, but whatever it was, Clara didnt deserve this, she didnt deserve to be yelled at like she wasnt his sister, like she hadnt known him his entire life. Clara yearned to feel anything, to feel any emotion that might make the pain in her chest go away.

Clara found Henry in one of the back hallways of the school, walking alone, probally back towards his room.

"Henry." Henry barely even had time to register who was talking to him, before he was slammed against the wall, someones lips smashing against his.

For a moment Henry was tense, before he relized what was going on, and settled into Clara's grip, a smile forming on his face. Henry pulled back for a second, gazing down at her, "whats this for?"

Clara shrugged, but it was too late, Henry had already seen her expression.

"What happend?"

"I talked to Wilhelm, well tried, and well—" Clara licked her lips, trailing off, "I just need a distraction."

Henry nodded, "if thats what you need." He didnt waste a second to flip them around, and connected their lips again. Henry's hands squeezed her hips cornering her further into wall.

Clara kissed him like her life depended on it, like he was her only source of oxygen, and she was suffocating. She didnt care that they were in a open hallway and anyone could walk past them, she didnt even care that Wilhelm had just yelled at her, she only cared about Henry. Her hands tugged on his hair, making him groan against her. Henry's lips trailed down her neck, sucking just beneath her ear, then towards her collorbone, his hands snaking past the hem of her shirt, and onto her cold stomache, cuasing her to shiver.

"Henry." She sighed, tipping her head to give Henry more access to her neck.

Henry gazed up at her, a devilish look in his eyes, that only made Clara believe he was up to no good, "My room's just a hall down, can you make it?"

Clara quickly nodded, grabbing onto Henry's hand as he led her down the hallway, his pace quickening as he got closer to his door, before he shoved both of them inside, slamming the door, and pressing Clara's back against it. His hand dropped past Clara's waist, just barely skimming it, before a clicking sound rung in Clara's ears. Henry had locked the door.

Clara's fingers began to pry away at the buttons of Henry's shirt, as he continued to kiss down her neck, nipping at her sensitive skin. Clara's finger brushed against Henry's bare chest, that was peeking out from his white collared shirt. 

"Fuck, Clara." He groaned impatiently, pressing against her, as he leaned back and finished unbuttoning his shirt, he pulled it off his shoulders, discarding it onto the floor of his room. Clara had to stop herself from drooling at the sight of Henry being shirtless, her eyes taking in every inch of him, before she pulled her sight away, and back towards his face. Henry grabbed onto her waist, backing away from the wall, bringing her lips back to his. Henry dropped onto his bed, staring at Clara, who looked at him with confusion.

Henry raised an eyebrow, "Afraid of breaking your sacred rules, princess?"

Clara shook her head, her eyes trailing over Henry's figure, only now noticing what was peeking out just below the waistband of his jeans— "No, fuck the monarchy."

Henry laughed, pulling her by her hips towards him, and onto his lap. Clara's knees dropped to either side of him, straddling his waist.

Henry fingers grabbed onto the hem of her dress, hesitating as he look at her for permission, "Is this alright?"

Clara nodded, biting her lip, "yes."

Henry pulled the dress over her head, tossing it behind Clara. His hands going up her spine, sending sensation through Clara. His fingers slipped underneath the band of her white bra, making Clara let out a sigh.

"Dont worry." Henry whispered, kissing her collerbone, "Just let me lead, dont be nervouse."

Clara hummed, shifting on Henry to make him groan.

"Fucking hell." He dipped his head back, slamming it against the wall.

Clara shifted again, her hands on his chest. "Or, you could let me, take the lead."

Henry watched as she slid off his lap, grabbing on his belt buckle, and unlooping it slowly, "your driving me insane." He told her, a smirk on his lips, his hair had begun to go ragged from all of Clara's tugging, but he didnt seem to care, not with all the pleasure seeping through him, as Clara touched him.


The rest of the night was filled with whining and moans from Henry, and then Clara, as they gave themselves up to eachother, nothing leaving their mouths exept for the sounds of pleasure. If they knew one thing for sure, it was that Henry was now Clara's, and Clara's was now his.


Intresting chapter....

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