06 | Erik is dead

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|06 |
"Erik is dead."

                ERIK IS DEAD— Erik is dead, Erik was dead— that was the only thing running through Clara's mind. She couldnt think, she couldnt breath. She didnt even know how to handle this. Her brother was dead, he would never breath, he would never laugh, he'd never be anything ever again, expect for a faint memory dormant in Clara's head.

Clara didnt want to belive it, she wanted to think this was all a sick joke and that Erik was going to pop out of one of the bushes and suprise her. She wanted him to still be alive, but he wasnt.

Clara wanted to take back everything she said to Erik, she didnt want to fake a car accident, or fake their deaths— becuase Erik wasnt faking anymore, their jokes had turned to reality, and Erik was gone. She had now lost the only that that had managed to keep her going, the one who stood by her side and protected her, she never imagined a life without him, but now she was living it.

The words kept ringing through her head, stuck on a loop; Erik is dead. Clara felt like her whole world was collapsing around her, the walls she had so desperately built up were collapsing, all becuase of three little words. Erik is dead. Clara wished it was her, in the casket, instead of Erik. She wished she was the one that was dead. She felt her knees becoming Weak as she followed after wilhelm, her eyes stuck on the casket being carried away. Tears cascaded down her cheeks, as she felt her only hope being stripped away from her.

Clara wanted to scream, she wanted to throw things around the room, and blame everyone for Eriks death, she wanted to beg anyone she could, to just bring him back. But anything Clara wanted to do, wouldnt change it. Erik would be dead no matter how much Clara screamed or begged. Erik was always going to be dead.

                  Clara laid in Erik's dark room, sheilded by the covers of his bed, tucking Rini the Rhino beneath her arms, latching onto it. Clara tried to think of anything else other than Erik's death, but it all just came flooding back to her the more she tried to push it away. Erik was dead, and there was nothing she could do about it, he'd never come back to her, she'd never hear his voice ever again, expect for the faint ringing that was stuck in the back of her head, reminding her of who he was, who he could've been. Erik would never be king, and perhaps that was a good thing, he never wanted the throne— but he didnt want to loose it in this way.

"This weekend." Eriks voice reminded her, her head "I promise we'll see eachother this weekend, and then you can catch me up on all those juice details about you and Henry. Or shit talk anyone you dont like."

"Hey! You promised you'd take it to the grave!"

"Im going to. your secrets safe with me— maybe we can even bake some cookies, and make a little fort to camp out in."

Take it to the grave take it to the grave— Erik was never actually supposed to take it to his grave— but he did, Erik kept her small stupid secret till his last moments.

Erik and Clara would see eachother this weekend— perhaps more Clara than Erik, becuase instead of baking cookies and making forts, Clara was staring at his dead body hidden beneath a casket, and burying herself in his sheets, just like he was burying himself beneath the ground. Erik was six feet under, and she was in his bed. Clara was sure if anybody wanted her to leave, they'd have to drag her out of his bed, and drag her back to school— though the only one who could even manage to get her to comply, was Erik.

"Please, just come back to me." Clara sobbed into his pillow, her broken voice barely even a whisper. She wanted her brother, she wanted him to hold her in his arms like he used too, to sooth her and tell her it was going to be okay, that she was going to get through this, but Clara knew she wouldnt, Erik was always going to be apart of her, and that wasnt something she could just shake off— if he was here he'd tell her it would take time, that she just needed to adjust, to adjust without him there, adjust to him not being around. It reminded Clara that she'd never see him again, when Clara would come home for the weekends, Erik wouldnt be there. When she dialed his number, Erik wouldnt pick up. When she would call out for him, she'd recieve no answer, becuase Erik wouldnt be there to help her, he couldnt give her advice, or laugh with her, or crack jokes.

Becuase Erik was the one in the gray back, his face blurred, never to be seen again. Erik would be forgotten, but not by Clara. She would always remember her brother, who stood by her side, and supported her no matter what she did. He always had her back, but Clara couldnt have his, when he needed it.

"Clara." The door to Erik's room creeked open, and her mother stepped through. "You'll be heading back to school in the morning."

Clara squeezed her eyes shut, her mother didnt look at her with sadness or pity, like any mother would. She looked at her like she was an employee, and needed to get a job done, like Clara was just an unnecessary pawn, that was burdening her in this sad time. It was as if the queen, couldnt bear to deal with Clara, any longer, that Erik's death was enough to push her away.

"Wilhelm will accustom me, and then he'll meet you at school—"

"Erik is dead," spat Clara, unable to control that hatred that spilled from her lips, "and all you care about is your fucking monarchy!"

The queen looked taken back from the sudden tone, but she didnt cower away, "someone needs to step up, now that hes gone, wilhelm will have to take over—"

"Just shut up." Clara begged, "your som is dead, and you still cant even act like my mother."

"Its not easy to handle this all, being the queen and your mother."

"I can tell." Clara glared, her eyes foggy from the tears streaming down her face, "becuase you suck at both!"

Erik is dead Erik is dead Erik is dead ErikdeadErikisdeadErikisdeadEriksisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikiadeaderikisdeaderiksisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderiksisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdeaderikisdead

Eriks dead.

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