01| The faster you adapt

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'The faster you adapt."

          "I DONT WANT TO STAY HERE"— was the first thing Clara said to Erik when they arrived to her room, Erik sighed infront of her, his hands folded in his lap.

"I know." His voice was soft towards her, like he understood what she was feeling, "but you'll get used to it, the faster you adapt, the better it'll be."

"But I dont want to adapt," She told him, her eyebrows furrowed sadly, "Why do I have to suffer for Wilhemls mistakes— I mean I wasnt even there."

"What he does, reflects on the family." Said Erik, "you cannot control that, but you can control what you do, and that means making the best out of this place."

"Theres is nothing good." She rolled her eyes, and Erik reached forward, pulling her beside him.

"Yes there is," he wrapped his arm around her, tugging her into his side, "If you need anything, August is here. He'll look out for you, and you can always call me."

"But its not the same." She whispered, her voice muffled by Erik's jacket.

"Its gonna be okay, Clarrie." He reassured her, rubbing his hands down her arm. "But you gotta promise me you'll atleast try to have a good time, loosen up, make some friends, be you."

Clara sniffled, but nodded anyways, "I can try."

Erik held up his hand towards her, outstretching his pinkie forward. Clara giggled, interlocking their fingers. "Good, I always have your back Clara. And you'll have Wilhelm here too."

"Wilhelm has his own problems." Clara told him.

"Then keep him out of trouble." Erik smiled, patting her on her back, as he went to stand up, but Clara pulled him back down.

"Please dont go, Erik." Erik sighed sadly, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"I have too." He told her.

"No, please." She begged him, refusing to let go of him.

"Clara— dont make this harder than it already is." He pushed her away, before leaning down infront of her. He used his thumb to wipe away the tears from her cheeks, "you'll be fine, you'll see me again in no time."

Clara shook her head, "why cant you just stay?"

"Im sorry." Is all he said, pulling him into his arms for the last time, before he stood up, and gave her a sad look, "I'll see you soon Clara."

         Maybe it was obviouse to everyone, that Clara did not want to he at hillerska, or maybe she was good at hiding it, and nobody relized. Everything had to be perfect about Clara; her posture, her hair, her nails, her smile, how she talked, and most certainly how she acted. Clara was supposed to be perfection, but whenever she stared at herself through the mirror, she seemed to everything but perfect. 

"Im Fredrika." A girl sat infront of Clara at the dining table, and Clara plastered another smile on her face.

"Pleasure to meet you, im Clara." She said, outstretching her hand for Fredrika to shake, then moved onto the few girls beside her.

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