03| dont tell anybody

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"Dont tell anybody."

                        CLARA WOKE UP GROANING — she regretted doing what she did, she remembered last night, way too well. She remembed Henry's soft fingers against her skin, she remembered completly undressing infront of him— so maybe she wasnt the smartest drinker, that was she relization she had come too. She didnt think she could ever look Henry— or Walter in the eyes ever again, not after last night. She wanted to sulk in her bed, all day not having to see either of them, and face the embarrassment. Clara was sure if her mother found out she had done that, she'd probally be banished from the family.

"Madison on the table! Madison on the table! Madison on the table!" The hall shouted, slamming their fists against the table, waiting eagerly for Madison to step forward. The girl rolled her eyes, standing up on her seat.

"Who?" Asked Felice.

"Nils— what was his name? Third year." She called out, earning cheers.

"But, how was it?" Continued Felice.

"It was. . . Okay, I guess." Sighed Madison.

"Are you two gonna date?" Stella asked her, earning a laugh.

"God no! I was just bored."

The hall laughed as Madison hopped down from the table.

"Anyone else gonna step on their seats?" Called out Nina, her eyes twinkling with amusment as she scanned the crowd, "Clara? Did you have any amusment?"

Clara shook her head, though the slight blush on her cheeks was noticable, "No."

"Oh come on!" Groaned another third year, Salil. "Did you see the way Vincent was eyeing you up? You so could have gotten that!"

"He was not eyeing me up." Nina squeezed Clara's shoulders.

"He so was." She smirked, "Next time, just bat your eyes at him, twirl your hair, and you'll be up on the table in no time."

            "Goodmorning, Mr. England." The class chorused, standing infront of their seats as they waited instruction. Clara could almost feel Henry's eyes on her from where he was sitting, but she looked anywhere but him. The embarrasment creeping up on her.

"Sit down." Mr. England told them, he began passing back the classes Test, and Clara began descreetly trying to push her chair back, so she could get closer To Henry and Walter, behind her. The chair scraped beneath her, cuasing Wilhelm to turn towards her. She ignored him, and continued to scoot her chair back.

"Dammit, I got an A-." Said Walter, as Clara turned to face them, her cheeks already blazing, "oh, Hi Clara."

"Hi." She shyly said, glancing back towards the Teacher, who was still distracted.

"Turn to pages 341!" He instructed, sitting in his desk.

"Did you need something?" Henry raised an eyebrow, flipping through the book.

"Uhm, yes, about last nigh—" Henry's movement paused, as he glanced towards her, "Im really sorry, about that. I was drunk out of my mind, and I wasnt thinking straight, and im sorry if I made either of you uncomfortable."

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