09 | Take the blame

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"Take the blame."

CLARA HAD TO RESTRAIN HERSELF— from laughing everytime she watched Henry groan and slam his head down onto his desk, suffering the aftermath of his drug fiasco the night prior, though she knew Henry didnt regret what he had cuased himself, even if it meant suffering a little.

Henry tapped on Clara's window, just like he had done the night prior, this time being able to hold himself up.

Clara rolled her eyes, with a frusturated huff, as she slammed open the window, giving Henry a raised eyebrow, "I swear if you start spitting some insane shit again."

Henry raised his hand in defense, "Im completly sober, I swear."

Henry looked sober, he didnt have that dazy look in his eyes, he wasnt toppling over himself, and he deffinatly was not begging Clara to kiss him anymore. Henry ran a hand through his ragged strawberry blonde hair, before shutting the window after him.

"So, how are you?" Henry asked, stepping closer to Clara, his fingers grazing the side of her arms, trailing towards her shoulders.

Clara sucked in a deep breath and nodded, "as fine as I can be."

Henry gave her a sad look, pitiful looks usually annoyed Clara, but not when they came from Henry. "Good, itll get better." Henry moved his eyes towards her dress, a smile gaining on his lips, as he tugged on certain part of the fabric, "whats this?"

Clara couldnt help but smile back, "the girls have a tradition where they dress up some night at dinner."

"I think this should happen every night." He suggested jokingly, falling back onto one of her rolling chairs. "Maybe just for me though."

"Of course you do." Clara laughed, going back to her books scattered on her bed. Henry watched her carefully, taking notice of how she laid on her stomache, tipping the eraser of her pencil into the corner of her mouth as she focused, trying to work out the question on the page infront of her. Henry rolled towards her, leaning on his elbows as she scribbled down on the paper.

"Do you want the answers?" Henry asked her, snapping her focus away.

"Do you have them?" Henry nodded, "are they right."

Henry gave her a annoyed look, sighing as he grabbed the pencil from her hand. "Yes, they're right."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Clara." He assured, quickly writing down the answers, before tossing the book to the side of the room with a loud thud. Clara gave him a startled look, turning towards him.

"Are you okay?" She asked him, glancing between him and the discarded book.

"Im bored." He admitted with a huff, making Clara laugh. Henry for a moment had the audacity to glare at her, before he too started laughing too.

"They want to blame Simon." Said Henry, his legs spread across the library floor, as his back rested against the cold wall. He shortly glanced at Clara beside him, waiting for a response.

"Well, was he the one who sold it to you?" Clara asked, playing with the ring on Henry's finger.

Henry nodded, "yeah."

"Then whats the problem?" She frowned, "its better him than you."

"I thought you'd be upset." Henry told her, tilting his head back against the wall, turning it so he could see Clara, "Since hes your brothers friend and all."

Clara couldnt help but scoff, "Wilhelm hasnt talked to me in weeks."

Clara didnt have an explanation why, just that he was. In the times the siblings saw eachother, wilhelm had barely managed to give her a small glance, not even aknowledging her. Clara hated to admit it, but it hurt. It hurt that Wilhelm didnt care anymore, atleast not about her, and instead he cared about Simon, a boy he had just met, who he barely knew. She thought it was his way of detaching himself from the monarchy while he was away from the palace, but that didnt give him a reason to leave her too, she wasnt the monarchy.

"Are you two fighting?"

Clara shook her head, letting out a short displeased laugh, that told Henry she was beggining to get annoyed with Wilhelm, "No— I dont know."

"Have you tried talking to him?" Henry wanted to help, to make Clara happier, he didnt like seeing her so distressed over small matters that he could possible help fix.

"With what time? Hes always with Simon." She said, her voice saddening as she thought of her brother. Her eyes trailed to the entrance of the library, where Wilhelm was walking in with none other than Simon, their shoulders bumping into eachother, as they laughed. Wilhelm looked happy, for the first time in a long time, and Clara didnt want to be the one who took that away from him, but she also didnt want to be ignored from her brother any longer. "I dont want to annoy him."

Henry sighed, running his hand alongside her arm, "its going to be okay—"

"Yo whats up!" Walter popped out from one of the bookshelves, a smile spread across his face, "oh, am I interupting something?"

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