Chapter Seventeen: Farewell To Storyville

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Nobody's Pov

As everyone settled down the next episode began to play.

The screen turns on and the camera pans to the cemetery where the four supernatural people are still standing.

Klaus is glaring at Rebekah while holding the white oak stake. Elijah is staring at Klaus while holding the blade.

Holden had positioned himself in front of Rebekah, ready to protect her if Klaus decided to attack her right then and there.

Everyone tensed as they realized that they were starting where they left off.

They were worried yet excited to see what was going to happen.

"Rebekah!" Klaus yelled.

"Walk away" Elijah told his brother in a calm voice.

Klaus ignored him and continued glaring at his sister.

"Don't move!" Klaus warned her.

"Leave us now" Elijah ordered his sister.

"I can't. I'm stuck here" Rebekah told him.

"Wait what? What does she mean by that?" Tankhun asked, confused.

"The witch Sabine, who is also known as Celeste which is Elijah's old girlfriend, placed a boundary spell on the cemetery. Meaning none of them can leave" Gertrude explained.

"Well that's unfortunate" Tay muttered.

He was really worried about Rebekah especially with her being trapped in the same place as Klaus.

Her eyes wandered down to Klaus's hand, the hand that was holding the white oak stake, and her eyes widened.

"Elijah, he has the white oak stake" Rebekah said, fear shown in her tone.

"I brought it for you, sister" Klaus told her, pointing the white oak stake in her direction.

"Yeah to stab her with it" Macau muttered.

"Get out of his sight. Your presence here only serves to anger him. Leave him to me now" Elijah sternly said.

Rebekah looked hesitant to which Holden turned to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Bekah, come on. Let him handle this" Holden said.

Rebekah reluctantly nodded and held onto Holden by his arm and sped them both away.

Everyone breathed out a sigh of relief, happy to see Rebekah and Big getting away from there.

Elijah was right when he said that Rebekah's presence would only anger Klaus more.

It was better for Rebekah, along with Big, to be away until he was somewhat calm.

The scene changes and we see that night has turned into day. The camera pans into one of the tombs where we see Holden and Rebekah hiding.

Due to Celeste's spell they couldn't leave so they just decided to hide in one of the tombs while Elijah tried to calm Klaus down.

Key word, tried.

"Nothing is going to calm him down" Tay muttered.

The hybrid wants revenge, the hybrid wants blood, specifically the blood of his sisters.

And one way or another he's going to get it and nobody can stop him.

Holden left Rebekah in the tomb as she called Marcel to tell him what was going on to check on Klaus and Elijah.

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