Chapter One: Gathering Everyone

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Nobody's Pov

For the first time in forever, the Theerapanyakun family was at peace.

It's been a month since the coup. It's been a month since the truth was revealed to everyone. It's been a month since Porsche and Chay found out the truth about their parents.

And it's been a month since the two brothers, the former mafia leaders, Korn and Gun, died.

After their deaths their sons, Kinn and Vegas, have learned to move on and have set their differences aside and ended their rivalries.

If they're being honest, they don't understand why they hated each other.

They don't understand why they even started a rivalry in the first place.

They came to a truce and came to an agreement to take over their fathers place.

But they weren't going to follow what their fathers did when they were in charge of the mafia.

They were going to make sure everything runs smoothly and they make no mistakes, not like what their fathers did.

They were going to be better.

And things had gotten better as time passed.

And for the first time in forever, the Theerapanyakun family and the bodyguards were happy.

But, of course, something had to happen to disrupt their happiness and peace.

At The Main Family Compound

Everyone in the compound were doing their own thing.

Kinn and Porsche were currently showing Tem and Jom, Porsche's friends, around in the compound

Tankhun and his bodyguards, Pol and Arm, were hanging out with Tay since he was bored.

Tay finally broke up with Time since he didn't want to continue a relationship with someone that would just continue to cheat on him.

He deserved better and he knew that now.

Chay and his boyfriend, Kim, the youngest brother of Tankhun and Kinn, were swimming in the pool together.

Chan was outside taking a smoke break, reflecting on everything that has happened so far.

Ken was in his room getting ready to head to the cemetery.

He was going to visit the grave of his deceased best friend, the best friend that was like a brother to him, and just tell him how his day was and how much he misses him.

Something he has been doing since the day he died.

They were all just doing their own things and minding their own business.

When a bright light blinded all of them and they were instantly knocked out.

At The Minor Family Compound

The same thing was happening to the other Theerapanyakun family.

Currently, Pete and Vegas were in the kitchen preparing lunch for themselves and Macau.

Speaking of Macau, Vegas's younger brother, he was up in his room playing video games after finishing up his homework.

They were alone in the house since Vegas, surprisingly, gave his bodyguards the day off.

He only did it since Pete insisted that they all deserved some time off and while Vegas didn't want to, Pete threatened to banish him to the couch and sleep there for a week.

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