Chapter Thirteen: Dance Back From The Grave

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Nobody's Pov

It's fair to say that a break was definitely something they all needed.

During their break some had gotten up to use the bathroom while others had just gotten up from their seats to stretch their arms and legs.

Some were beginning to get hungry and thirsty so Gertrude decided to conquer up a few things for them.

Plates full of their favorite snacks and drinks appeared in front of them and almost immediately they dug in.

Once everyone was done eating and had done their business in the restroom everyone was heading back to their seats.

Once everyone had sat down Gertrude turned to all of them.

"Are we ready to continue?" Gertrude asked.

Everyone glanced at each other and after a few seconds they looked at the witch and nodded their heads.

They had to admit that they were still very upset at the fact that something had gone wrong in the ritual and that Davina is now dead.

But they also had to admit that they were curious as to what was going to happen with her gone.

And they wondered if the witches would be up to anymore trouble.

Gertrude nodded back at them before playing the next episode.

The screen turns on and the camera pans to a car that's driving down the road. We head inside the car where we see Holden, who is in the passenger seat, and Klaus, who is in the drivers seat.

It's been a few days since Davina's death and Klaus decided that it would be a good idea to get out of the compound and go somewhere else.

Which is why he took Holden to New York so that he too could get away from all the drama and chaos in New Orleans. It's fair to say that it was something Holden needed.

Everyone couldn't help but raise their eyebrows at what they just learned.

They found it weird that Klaus had taken Big with him to get away from New Orleans after everything that had happened.

But, oddly enough, it was somewhat nice of him too.

"That's oddly kind of him" Ken muttered.

He was confused and suspicious of the hybrid's intentions with his best friend.

He had a feeling that something was going on between them, something that was definitely more than friendship, and he didn't like it.

Which is why he'll definitely keep an eye on them and their interactions.

Tankhun and Tay, on the other hand, couldn't stop the happiness from coursing through their bodies.

"Going on trips together, huh?" Tay asked.

"Seems like they are getting closer and closer to each other. And I love it" Tankhun grinned.

He had a good feeling about what would happen in this episode.

Holden sighed and turned to the hybrid as he drove.

"Thanks again for taking me to New York. I definitely need time away from New Orleans" Holden said.

"Of course, love. A break from that town is definitely something we both needed" Klaus said.

"If that's so then why are we going back? Can't we just go back to get my sister and then the three of us can go somewhere else?" Holden asked.

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