Cast Introductions

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"Coming here was the best decision I ever made. Not only because you and I finally got to reunite, but because despite the drama I have to go through every day I feel more at home here than I ever did in Thailand"

~ Big/Holden Marshall


"Let it be clear that what we had in the past was just that, the past. I have moved on and I found someone that I truly love. Someone that loves me just as much as I do. That person is the reason I am happy and you are crazy if you think I'm going to jeopardize that. And let it be clear that if you even think about harming him, I will not hesitate to rip your bloody heart out and have it delivered to your brother"

~ Klaus Mikaelson


"Yeah, I have a brother. Him and I have been attached by the hip since we were babies. We always had each other's backs. But then we split up when I went to Mystic falls and he went to another country in search of a job so he could earn good money. We talked as much as we could but he always had to be discreet since his job had this stupid no phone policy. But, just before I was taken, he called me and told me that he found a way out of the job and he was coming back"

~ Hayley Marshall


"I'm happy you're happy, brother. But next time when you two wish to make love, please go somewhere else. Neither of you are exactly quiet"

~ Elijah Mikaelson


"Either way, the three of us have to stick together"

~ Rebekah Mikaelson


"Is there something going on between those two?"

~ Marcel Gerard


"And I'm guessing you're Holden. Hayley's brother and Klaus's...husband?"

~ Davina Claire


"You must be the famous Holden Marshall, Klaus's boyfriend. It's nice to meet you. Can I just start by saying you can definitely do better than him"

~ Kol Mikaelson


"It's nice to finally meet the man that stole my brother's heart"

~ Freya Mikaelson


"Even after everything I did you didn't hesitate to save my life. And for that, I want to say thank you"

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