Chapter Sixteen: Le Grand Guignol

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Nobody's Pov

As everyone settled down the next episode began to play.

The screen turns on and the camera pans into one of the bedrooms in the compound, Klaus's bedroom.

The camera pans over to the hybrid that's currently lying in bed shirtless. His eyes are closed and he's gasping in pain from the blade that's embedded in his chest.

Everyone's eyes widened at seeing the state the hybrid was in.

They couldn't believe how much pain he's in all because of a blade he was stabbed with.

"Damn" Jom muttered.

"You said it" Tem muttered back with a nod of his head.

Tankhun eyed Klaus onscreen before leaning closer to Tay causing his friend to look at him.

"I know now isn't the time but seeing him without a shirt turns me on" Tankhun whispered.

Tay laughed at his friend and shook his head in amusement.

But he had to agree that Klaus was indeed hot especially without his shirt.

Seeing those muscles and tattoos nearly made him drool.

"So, you're telling me that the witches made the blade that's currently inside of Nik?" Holden asked.

Elijah nods as he removes his jacket and rolls up his sleeves.

"Yes.  And every second it remains causes Niklaus untold suffering" Elijah said.

"Why the hell would you stab him with it in the first place?" Holden asked.

"To prevent him from murdering his sister" Pol deadpanned.

"I'm sorry but it was the only way. But don't worry, I intend to remove it" Elijah said.

He walks over to his brother while ordering Holden to take a step back to which he obeys.

"Do you mind explaining to me why you want me to be here?" Holden asked.

"Because of all the people that could be here, you're the only one he wouldn't immediately slaughter" Elijah told him.

Tankhun and Tay shared a glance as knowing smiles appeared on their faces.

Obviously Klaus would never hurt Holden since those two have something going on, especially after they kissed.

Elijah uses a scalpel to slice into his brother along the red scar bisecting his chest. He then jams his fist into the open wound in order to grab the blade.

Holden gags and turns his head away in slight disgust.

"Also, he speaks of you with what is a rare degree, for him at least, of respect and adoration" Elijah added.

Holden blushed and allowed a small smile to appear on his face at hearing that.

Tankhun and Tay smiled at that, allowing small squeals to escape their lips.

Ken, on the other hand, had a frown plastered on his face.

He didn't really know how to feel at the revelation that his best friend has feelings for the hybrid and the hybrid feels the same.

Elijah finally pulls the blade out of Klaus's chest and once it's removed the hybrid's eyes snap open and he groans in agony.

"A wonderful skill that I shall be counting on very shortly" Elijah said.

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