Chapter 16

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Nick and Peter arrived at the party, this was Nick's second time at a party so he was not that comfortable but on the other side Peter was as excited as ever for the drinks, games and much more.

They entered the mansion and Peter greeted a lot of people which Nick haven't even seen till today, as they were moving to the living room a lot of people were staring at Nick, he taps Peter's shoulder and asks "Hey! Do I have something on my face or my teeth why is every other person staring at me?"

"They are staring because you look cute today" Peter says and pinches Nick's cheek and chuckles.Nick slaps Peter hand away" You are making fun of me".

"Ofcourse not I am tel-" Peter was cut of by Max when he saw them and came to say hello.

"Hey! Guys" Max approaches them and swings a hand around Nick's shoulder and waves at Peter, he responds with a quick smile.

Max notices Nick's dressing and says" Woah! Nick you- you look different today".Nick shrugs his shoulder" It was Peter's idea to give me change".

"Nice, You look cute" Max says simply.

Nick turns his head at Max and glares at him " I am not a six year old that you are calling me cute" he again turns his head in different direction and pouts.

"Aww, did I upset our baby boy" Max says and by seeing Nick's reaction to Max's words both Max and Peter laugh out loud, Nick just rolled his eyes.

"What's up guys?" Jack asks from behind Nick. They all turn to face  Jack, " Nothing, we were just messing with Nick" Max says Nick again rolls his eyes at Max.

"Tell me Jack doesn't he look cute today" Max says and pinches Nick's both cheeks, Nick's eyes go wide and he pulls  Max's hands off his cheeks " seriously Max".

"He looks cute everyday" Jack says and then he  realises what he said and tries to correct himself " I um I mean to say is that he looks.......good! ya he looks good every day.....and today also". Jack chuckles nervously and before the three boys could  just process what Jack said someone from living room shouts that they have started the beer pong game and  if anybody wants to join, Peter pulls everyone to the living room because he didn't wanted to miss the game.

All four Max,Jack, Peter and Nick and two other guys were in one team and Stacy the birthday girl and her best friend May and few guys were in other team, by the end of the game half of the people were tipsy or drunk except for Nick and Stacy and Max because they didn't miss any shots. The game ended and Stacy's team lost, and then they decided to play spin the bottle.

Every one sat in a circle I wanted to sit with Jack but their was no place so I sat with Peter and Cady. Brent who was Stacy's best friend chuged the remaining beer from his bottle and put it in between the circle.

"So, before we start, I am making a little change in the game", everyone raised their eyebrows and looked at each other.

Stacy continued" Okay so whoever is not completing  their dare or is not answering to the question asked will get a punishment" everyone setting in the circle  groaned.

"The punishment is that whoever doesn't want to complete their dare or tell the truth have to pull off Brent's sock and smell it". Every one started whining " this is not fair", " that gross", "what if we die by smelling his sock" Peter said, "Oh, shut up Peter my feet smells just  like heaven" Brent says Peter rolled his eyes.

"Okay! Everyone I am starting the game", Stacy say and spins the bottle, it lands on some girl named Cady and she chooses truth.

" So have you ever cheated on someone,and why ?" Stacy asks.

Cady takes some time for thinking and replies" Yes! I cheated on him because his mom was to hot to handle" Cady shrugs off her shoulders, everyone setting in circle looked shocked " that means you cheated on your bf with his mom?" Brent asks " Yeah, I know that's fucked up but it was his mom who came to me and we only did it once and I broke up with him, okay now I spinning the bottle". The bottle landed on a boy who chose dare and Cady told him to exchange his shirt with his girlfriend, both him and his gf went to bathroom and changed he came back wearing a crop top which was too tight for him he looked funny, and we played  few more rounds where Cady had to make out with Stacy and Max got a dare to do 15 push-ups while I sat on his back, some people cooed and some said we looked cute together, when they said all this "Not infront of him(Jack)" I thought and frowned, when Max finished with the push- ups I glanced at Jack and he was fully drunk thank god he will not remember this I looked at Max and he smirked at me and asked " how did it feel riding my back" and ofcourse he was also drunk, I chuckled and pushed him and sat back on my place to find Peter  glaring at me " Hey! why are you looking at me like that I didn't do anything " I whispered "Yeah no one sat on Max's back and-and what did he tell you that you smiled" Peter asked I didn't tell him the truth because he was so drunk that he would have punched me, "he just said no homo" Peter rolled his eyes and looked infront where Max spun the bottle and it landed on Brent " Umm I really don't have anything on my mind rn so Brent you can give a dare to anyone except me of course" Brent thought for a sec and said "I want Nick to give a kiss on Max's cheek" I literally choked on my own spit "What!!!!" I said "Oh come on I am not telling you to make out it's just a friendly kiss on the cheek" and if you don't want to do it you can do the punishment Stacy continued "No! I looked at Brent's feet and said I think I will do the dare" and ofcourse some people had to wolf whistle when I came to Max, Jack was right beside him I didn't look at him at all I couldn't, I closed my eyes and quickly gave Max a peck on the cheek and Stacy cooed and others laughed " I didn't even feel it can you give me one more Max smirked " shut up" I said and went back to my place and looked down if Brent would have said Jack I would have been the happiest person on the planet but things just don't go my way I sighed "Aww see Nick is blushing " I looked up at Stacy "I am not" I said and spun the bottle and it landed on Stacy, Ah ha! I thought, "I chose dare" Stacy said "Yes" I mouthed "I dare you stay still and you can not move your hands" Stacy crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows " Okay " I looked at Cady and asked if she has an eyeliner, she nodded and gave me an eyeliner from her purse, I took it and went to Stacy, " remember you can not move " I opened the eyeliner cap and Stacy realised what I was gonna do "No Nick you can not do that to the birthday girl" "Yes I can" I said and drew a mole on her cheek and connected her eyebrows "Hey, Nick can I also draw something" Brent asked "sure go ahead"  handed him the eyeliner and sat back at my place Stacy glared at me and cursed  Brent for ruining her makeup he drew a thick  moustache and made spirals on her forehead and cheeks and moved so that we all could see her face "TADA" he  showed her face, Brent did her really bad we all took a good 15 mins to laugh at her. When we all stoped laughing she glared at me in a playful way and said "You are going pay for this" I could help but laugh out loud because of the drawing on her face she looked hilarious I apologised and she spun the bottle and it landed on me...Ohhhh everyone in the circle yelled and Stacy smirked at me, My eyes were wide and I gulped " You don't have to choose truth or dare Nick" and what she said next literally knocked the wind out of my lungs.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter.....alot of things are going to happen, have a nice day 😊😊.

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