Chapter 8

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Nick's pov

I woke up feeling really good even though I only had 4 hours of sleep, it was Sunday today and my Sundays are always like sleeping, watching TV, eating and again sleeping that's it, I took my phone from the table and called Peter but he didn't pick up I let out a sigh and got out from my bed and went to the bathroom, it was 10:34 am now, I brushed my teeth and and washed my face and came out of the bathroom I checked my phone once again to see if Peter had tried to contact me but there was nothing, I really wanted to thank him, because of him I got to spend time with Jack but this asshole won't pick up my calls, I threw my phone on the bed and went downstairs to have breakfast, for your information my whole family on holidays wake up late so that's why I am having breakfast at 11:30 am , my mom was in the kitchen making breakfast I wished her good morning and sat on the dining table, my mom served me my breakfast, my dad and Sam were still sleeping which was great cause whenever my whole family sit together for eating they always end up insulting me.

My mom was making her tea when she asked" So how was the party yesterday?"

It was nice and I made a lot of new friends. I replied.

"Hmm......btw I have never seen that t-shirt before?" my mom asked narrowing her eyes at me.

I flinched and then remembered that I never changed the t-shirt that Jack gave and my cloths are still at his house, well shit! I quickly made a false story ,"You don't remember mom I showed it to you when I bought it at the mall  which went a few weeks ago?" My mom is very forgetful and have a very poor memory except when it comes to my grades. She was about to say something but she was  interrupted by the door bell, she went to open the door and I quickly finished my breakfast and rushed to my room.

I sat on the bed and took my phone and messaged Peter.

Nick : Hey! Where are you ? Are you even alive? 😡😡

Peter : What happened you are in a bad mood???

"Finally" I thought.

Nick : Why didn't you pick up my calls??

Peter : Sorry, I just woke up and my phone was on silent mode.

Nick : Okay, are you free today?

Peter : For you I am always free😘😘😘

Nick : 😑😑😑,okay I was feeling kinda bored there's nothing to do, let's hangout somewhere.

Peter : seriously "nothing to do"?? Bro we have four assignments pending!

Nick : As if any of us is going to do those assignments 5 days before the due date 🙄🙄🙄

Peter : True tho 😶😶

Nick : Ikr, now stfu and come pick me up from my house at 3:30 pm.

Peter : What will we do at 3:30 pm??

Nick : Idk just come and pick me up.

Peter : YES SIR!!!

Nick :😑

After texting Peter I went to take a bath,after taking a bath I changed into a jeans and a Lavender hoddie I kept Jack's t-shirt nicely in my closet I was still blushing at the thought of "Me wearing Jack's cloth" Thank god I don't have to return this cause who knows I might jerk off while wearing his t-shirt 😶😶.

I have a lot of time left till Peter comes I think I should do some of my homework which is pending from the last few decades, I took my books and sat on my study table on which I never study, I opened my book and was about to write when someone knocked on my door....wait! Is that Peter cause none of my family members never knock on my door they just break into my room, I walked to door expecting anyone from this world but one of my family members, I opened the door and it was Sam " why are knocking at my door " Sam looked at me for a second and said " everyone knocks at the door before entering someone's room", "Oh! Is that so? Then why didn't you do this from the past few years huh??" I looked at him raising my eyebrows. " What do you want?" I asked cause he will never be nice to me unless he wants something. "Nothing I just...want to talk about something." " Let me guess is it about your crush?" Sam looked down and nodded, he was blushing how cute!

"Umm okay come in" I said and locked my door and we both sat on my bed , so what  do you wanted to talk about your crush? " See a few days ago Dave's bestfriend moved out of the town and since then he has been very quiet he won't talk to anyone and he doesn't even bully anyone anymore so I was just thinking that should I try to be friends with him? "

I thought for a second and said " I think you should try being friends with him have you two ever talked with each other??


Then does he know who you are?

Of course he knows me, everyone at school knows who I am.

Oh yeah you are Mr. Popular, if you are scared that he will not be your friend don't worry take the risk and I am sure he will be your friend means you are popular, have good grades you might do his homework and you are also good at sports and in my eyes you might look like a pig but when I see you from other people's point of view you are very handsome and cute.  And if there's something that is next to perfection then I am 101% sure that that's you.

After I finished my speech Sam gave me a big hug,"okay I am hugging you back but no homo" I said hugging him back, Sam punched me playfully and said "you are the best brother anyone would ever have"

Is that so??

Of course btw are you going somewhere? Sam asked.

Oh yeah! I am going out with Peter when he comes.

Okay have fun now I am going I  to eat my breakfast.

Don't be shocked at Sundays my family literally has no rules anyone can do anything For example having breakfast at Lunch timing.

I closed my door and started doing my homework for killing the time.

Hi guys another chapter I hope you enjoy ready this , have a nice day/ night. Bye 😊😊

My lovely crush.  ( BoyXBoy )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat