Chapter Seven: Questions and Confrontation's

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, it looks just like Shadybug's from that other universe." Multiple universes? Father would love to hear this. 

"Exactly. Why would I change my suit to match hers? I didn't. It changed on its own. Just like your hair did." They have the ability to change their suits whenever they want. Useful, especially when you want to go unnoticed for a bit. 

"What do you mean? My hair didn't change." He tugged on his blond strands. But it did. Throughout the videos that we watched on the Ladyblog, his hair used to be fully blond, now whenever he was transformed it had green tints here and there.

"Yes, it did. It's gone now, but it's there whenever you are Chat Noir. There are traces of light green throughout it. It's barely noticeable, but it's there." She says softly, rubbing her arms anxiously, "My hair changed too, obviously." She tugs on one of her blue and pink strands. It suited her, at least that was what Todd said at some point. 

"You said you just spontaneously dyed it with Alya the other night during your sleepover." He accuses. Is he really this dull minded? She couldn't tell him especially if it had something to do with her being Ladybug. 

"Yeah, I uh- couldn't exactly tell you the truth.  And I can't right now either. We need to go meet with the bats." I moved out from the shadows and crossed mt arms. 

"They can wait."

Agreste jumps at my voice, but Dupain-Cheng simply turns to look at me, "This discussion didn't include you, Robin." She crosses her arms, matching my stance.

"Seeing that I now know both of your identities, I'm pretty sure it does include me, Dupain-Cheng." 

She sighs and droops her shoulders, "Fine, but I don't want to have to explain this more than once. Let's just go meet up with the rest of your group. Spots on." She transforms into her suit.

"Woah, woah woah, Bugaboo! You're just going to let him go like that? He knows both of our identities!" Agreste shouts gesturing to me. 

"And I know his, along with the rest of his team's. Let's go." She swings off to the Eiffel Tower, leaving me and Agreste alone. 

I glare at Agreste, "You disgust me." I state simply.

"What did I do? You're the one hanging all around my girlfriend!" He points at me. I grab his finger and snap it back, breaking it instantly. He screams in pain and backs away from me, "What is wrong with you?! Are you crazy or something!?"

"I am not crazy; some would call me blood thirsty. I like to refer to it as problem solving. You see, you are a problem for me. I intend to dispose of you; therefore my problem is solved. I may leave you alone on one condition." A slide my sword out of its sheath and twirl it around. 

"And what would that be?" He asks, clutching his broken finger. 

"Break up with Marinette." With that I shoot my grappling hook and leap from the building. 

To be honest, I have no idea why I did what I just did. The finger was just because he pointed at me, he's lucky I didn't cut his hand off. What I said was unexpected, especially to me. Did I wish to court Marinette? Did I just refer to her by her first name? What is going on with me? I have barely known this girl for a day, but I cannot seem to get her out of my head. It has to do with whatever she is going to tell us on the Eiffel Tower. At least, that better explain why.

I reach the Eiffel Tower, landing in a space in the middle where everyone is waiting. Whiskers got here before me his finger no longer broken. Lucky super Bastard.

"Care to explain where you were?" Grayson gives his disappointed dad look. I roll my eyes, that look barely works on Mar'i, why would it work on me? 

"I was observing."

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