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"It's over" Naruto said as activated his technique

As Itachi was slowly getting disfigured, he smiled at Naruto.

"Goodbye for now otouto." Itachi thought

Naruto picked up the disfigured Itachi, he starting laughing maniacally.

"I finally avenged you Uncle Fugaku Aunty Mikoto." Naruto

Naruto stopped laughing when he saw Itachi vanish.

"It can't be a genjutsu." Naruto thought

"ITACHI!!!" Naruto screamed

"Looks like he's pissed. We better run away, before he takes out his anger on us." Zetsu

Zetsu immediately disappears into the ground. Kisame follows suit, disappearing with a water body flicker.

Seeing the sad expression on Naruto's face, Mei went to comfort him.

"This boy is this powerful at such young age. I am scared to think just how strong he will be when he reaches his prime." Ao thought

Itachi stood with one sharingan.

"It's a good thing I prepared the Izanagi beforehand." Itachi

Itachi was no longer able to use Amaterasu, he decided he would implant Shisui's eye.

Back at the base

I take it the kid was more than efficient in proving that you have been given four operatives who are more than capable of fighting the Yagura's forces." Zabuza said somewhat smugly.

Indeed." Mei finally said reluctantly. "I'll make sure not to underestimate him again."

Ao did you get the information you were looking for?" Zabuza asked

"Yes.The factory is underneath Shinonome." Ao revealed. "That bastard stuck it somewhere impossible for us to get to without losing too many of our own."

Mei's fist hit the earth-made wall. "Damn it!" She all but snarled. "He really doesn't want to lose that damn place." She ran a hand through her long hair and sighed. "We really needed to hit that base. It's our greatest way to cripple his armies."

Haku thought it was a smart idea. Taking out the man's weapons factory would slowly make his men's supply dwindle down, causing more of them to lose battles with the Resistance, not having the equipment to properly fight back. More deaths would lessen moral, which would then cause even more deaths. It was slow and subtle, but it was a smart move.

Naruto suggested a few plans. Afterwards Naruto told Mei, he needed rest.

Naruto sighed in content when he fell down on the bed Mei had said he was free to use.

So when the beautiful woman had accepted Naruto's plans and shown them to where they would be sleeping for the majority of the time while in the Mist - after the small tour of the base - the boy had been more than thrilled. When she revealed that they had separate rooms, he had been surprised.

The woman must have been really impressed by his actions, because now she was treating him almost like royalty. He may have been over exaggerating though, because even lower class citizens had their own rooms and beds.

Naruto's was in an average-sized room, the same color as the earth it was made from. The bed took up a lot of the space. Now that he thought about it, it was a bit strange. Why did he have a king-sized bed?

There were two medium sized nightstands on each side of him, both having random things thrown on them like someone used them regularly; also confusing. The right side of the room had what Naruto thought to be a walk-in closet. He couldn't tell from his position propped up on his elbows, but he would wager that it was full with someone's clothing.

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