New home new Friend

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After walking a while Naruto decided manipulate the shape of his soul. To give himself wings. He flew above the area. After a while of flying he made his way home.

"Home sweet home." Naruto

"You mean a dump." Kurama

"It is all I can afford with the crappy allowance that the old man is giving me.'' Naruto

"You are basically Royalty and you being treated like this." Kurama

"Royalty." Naruto

"You are related to all the Hokages except that old man." Kurama

''I am definitely going to ask the old man to give me a better place tomorrow then." Naruto

Naruto created a curtain(barrier) around his apartment.

"Well that will keep attackers out. Goodnight Kurama." Naruto said before getting into bed.

"Goodnight Naruto." Kurama

Next morning
With Mikoto

"I wonder how Naruto is doing." Mikoto

"Who is Naruto mom." Sasuke

"He is the son of a friend. I hope one day you two can become great friends" Mikoto

"Okay mom." Sasuke said with a smile

"Maybe we should pay him a visit. Would you like to meet him." Mikoto

"Yes mom." Sasuke

With Naruto

Naruto went to see Hiruzen.

"So Naruto what brings you here." Hiruzen

"Old man give me a better place." Naruto

"Is there something wrong with your apartment." Hiruzen

"It's a dump." Naruto

"Do you have money for a new apartment." Hiruzen

"No but come on old man. I am Royalty. Shouldn't I at least get better living arrangements." Naruto

"And how are you Royalty." Hiruzen

"Through my father. You knew him right." Naruto said with an serious expression

"Does he know about his father." Hiruzen thought

Hiruzen ordered the anbu leave the office for awhile.

"Do you know who your father is." Hiruzen

Naruto walked to the wall where the pictures of all of the hokage were. He pointed his finger at Minato's picture.

"How did you find out." Hiruzen

"I met him and mom.'' Naruto

"You met them. How could you when they are both dead." Hiruzen said shocked

"Before they passed away. My dad placed his and mom's chakra in me so that one day they could meet me." Naruto

"It's Minato. I guess I shouldn't be surprised." Hiruzen

"Like I said I want a new place. A relative of the first, second and fourth hokage should not be allowed to live in a dump." Naruto

"Fine. You can live at the Senju Clan Compound." Hiruzen

Hiruzen helped Naruto pack his belongings and helped him move.

"This is all mine now." Naruto said as he looked at the clan compound

"Naruto don't tell anyone about your parents especially your father. He had a lot of enemies. When they learn that you are his son they will target you." Hiruzen

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