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As his anbu were unable to find any leads Hiruzen decided to ask for Tsume's help. He requested some of the belongings of the missing villagers which contained their scents.

Tsume and her ninken Kuromaru were able to track their scents to the location where Naruto was held captive.

"This is where their scents ends Lord Hokage." Tsume

"What were they doing here." Hiruzen

"I smell blood coming from that tree." Kuromaru

"Blood." Hiruzen

They looked to see that was dry blood in front of the tree.

"There is a scent here. It leads to that way" Tsume pointed to the direction in whiched Naruto walked

They followed the scent until they were no longer able to detect it.

"It ends here." Kuromaru

"The person must have used the body flicker to get away from here." Hiruzen

"Lord Hokage." Tsume said with a serious expression

"Let's not jump to conclusions the villagers might still be alive" Hiruzen

"Just what were the villagers doing here. " Hiruzen thought

They returned back to the villagers. When they returned Tsume and Kuromaru picked up the scent of the one was bleeding(Naruto). They informed Hiruzen of it. Hiruzen ordered them to lead the way.

Hiruzen was surprised when the scent lead to the Senju Clan Compound. When they arrived Tsume and Kuromaru told him that the person who the scent belonged to was inside. Hiruzen was shocked.

"That blood it couldn't be. It was Naruto's. Did the villagers torture him" Hiruzen thought

Naruto had sense them. He made his way to them.

"Old man what brings you here." Naruto

Hiruzen regains his composure.

"I juet came to introduce Tsume to you." Hiruzen

"Nice to meet you miss Tsume." Naruto

"Nice to meet you to Naruto." Tsume

"Now that introductions are over we will be leaving." Hiruzen said before disappearing

Tsume and Kuromaru also disappeared.

"Well that was weird." Naruto

With Hiruzen
"Lord Hokage why didn't you ask him about the villagers." Tsume

"We will learn of the fate of the villagers soon. Anbu go and fetch Inoichi Yamanaka." Hiruzen

An anbu goes to fetch him.

"You plan to let Inoichi look through the kid's memories." Tsume

"Yes. We have to find out what happened." Hiruzen

When Inoichi arrived he was filled on the situation. An anbu was sent to fetch Naruto.

"Old man what do want now." Naruto

There's something Inoichi needs to check." Hiruzen

"Check what." Naruto

"Before that." Inoichi said before he placed his hand on Naruto's head forehead

As he did this Naruto fell unconscious.

"Let's get started." Inoichi said

"What are they planning." Kurama

Inoichi uses the Psycho Mind Transmission Jutsu.

Psycho Mind Transmission: The user enters the target's subconscious by placing a hand on the target's head and extracts any information needed, even if the target has forgotten it or has had it blocked. Memories that have mental blocks on them will require longer periods of time to probe through and obtain however.Depending on the skill of the user and their level of experience, they will be able to go through days worth of the target's memories in a matter of moments and sift through until they find what they want while others may have to go through each memory in its entirety

Before he entered Naruto's mind told Hiruzen to grab his shoulder if he wanted to enter Naruto's Mind with him. Hiruzen did as he said. Tsume also grabbed his shoulder.

When they got inside his mind. Inoichi looked through Naruto's memories. He quickly found what he was looking for.
The three of them got disgusted as they saw how the villagers tortured Naruto. They were shocked to see that Naruto felt no pain as he was getting tortured.

When they saw Naruto getting burned. Hiruzen was furious. Inoichi and Tsume couldn't believe that the villagers would go so far to kill a child.

They were shocked as they saw Naruto's domain, his regeneration and the death of the villagers.

They were brought to the sewer. They saw Naruto and Kurama.

"You have seen what you wanted. Now leave." Kurama said as he kicked them out of Naruto's mind.

When they all woke up. Naruto was pissed.

"That's rude to look through someone's memories without their permission." Naruto said as he released some of his curse energy

Hiruzen, Inoichi, Tsume and the anbu could feel the malice coming from Naruto

"If you ever try that again I will kill you all" Naruto said before he disappeared

"Lord Hokage." Tsume

"Inoichi Tsume. You are not to mention anything you both learned today. Is that understood." Hiruzen

"Yes Lord Hokage." They both said

"Lord Hokage what are you gonna tell the families of the dead villagers." Inoichi

"I will think of something. You are two are dismissed I will prepare the rewards for your efforts." Hiruzen

They left.

"How am I gonna explain this to the villagers. And the situation with Naruto how should I go about it." Hiruzen thought


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