Crystal Clear

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The rest of the trip to Saturn was event free for Storm and her accompanying fleet. There was no notification concerning enemy contact, and that was good, but there was a downside, and that was that there was still no crystal.

The EIGHT gathered in the conference room on Storm to discuss the current impasse. Steve Pritchard said: "Even though we Captains are mingling with our crews, having a laugh, and getting our hands dirty. I can feel the frustration from every ship I visit. People are angry, and I get where they're coming from. Everyone wants to live longer, and they feel the EIGHT are letting them down. At least, That's the way Hymie and I are gauging their behaviour." Hymie nodded in agreement.

Susan said: "Showing our faces on the cold front of this search is successful because our teams can see that we're in this together, but Steve and Hymie are also right. Sharon said: "I hate to say it, but I hear the rumours as well. We need a win soon, or morale will take a dive.

Matt said: "Well, the entire outer ring system has been seeded with Nano-scanners. They are almost halfway to completing their function. At the very most, we have about two months to go until the entire rings have been scanned. Carl, if I were an Ancient, I would make more than one copy, and I would disperse them around the centre of the rings at about the halfway Marc. What do you think?"

Carl looked at the faces around the table: "I agree with you. It's what I would do. I hate having these holes in my memory, but again, I just know we are in the right place, and we have implemented the right plan with the right equipment. I know this will work. So, let's talk to the commanders in the fleet and have them inform their crews that at the very most, we have two months remaining on station at Saturn. This will give them a light at the end of the tunnel, something to look forward too."

Susan said: "Matt, I'm really getting tired of never-ending drills and continuous training, even though we all know it is what keeps us alive out here, I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever end. If I am, so are the crew."

Matt said: "You guys are the best, and you are absolutely right. I can't delay any longer. It's time for the extra five per cent. Storm, connect me with all fleet commanders on warships currently in Saturn orbit."

Storm said: "Connecting... Waiting... Go ahead, Admiral. All commanders are online and have joined this meeting."

Matt said: "Good afternoon commanders, Admiral Black here. Thank you for attending. Please listen only as there are more than six hundred Captains on this one open channel. Most of you have been out here for five months waiting and waiting, and I know there are many on your crews who are, frankly, getting tired of that. Nothing to do but clean and train."

"There is a strategy for our lack of activity outside of normal operations. I want to run drills for 'action stations as I believe there could be trouble brewing. We all know that some mining ships self-destructed some years ago. It makes sense that the cause of those attacks would not just run away. Our visitors 'are' out there. I know that, because. I would also watch, assess, report, and wait for back up. What I don't know is, how long it takes backup to arrive. Stay on your toes and be ready."

"Please inform your crews that their Commander in Chief appreciates their efforts, and at the very most, this fleet will be on station in Saturn orbit for a maximum of two months. If we find nothing by that time, we will resume 'Inner System' operations. I ask that you maintain your vigilance. Once again, I stress the importance of being here. Our very future wellbeing depends on finding what we are after here. Let's not forget what that is, Commanders. If we find the illusive Gene Resonator, everyone gets to live long, long lives. Thank you. That is all. End transmission."

Storm announced: "Transmission terminated."

Matt looked at each face around the table and said: "Alright, we have two months, let's not waste it. SP1, do you have an update for the EIGHT on what you're up to in the inner system?"

Gravity Wielder - Book 2 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now