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Omi showed up to my door and cooked me a breakfast. Then he waited for me to get ready for school and we left. We're walking together now. I'm still in a bliss.



"Are you going to ask me to come to your game every-"

"No. I won't force you to come. I know you find it boring so just come whenever you want." -him.

"Haha that's good to know. But always remember that I am supporting you even if I didn't watch." hehe even if I'm worried that Annie's there, I can't force myself to watch, it really bores me, sorry.


We continue to walk and bumped into Kenji. "Hazel!"

"Kenji! Morning."

"Aren't you going to ask what happened last night?"-Kenji.

"Uh what happened?"

"Nothing actually hehe we went home after we left the all. She looked angry that time."- Kenji.

"Ahh." well, after we ditched her, we finally have time alone.

"What about you, what happened to you and Airon huh?" he teasingly asked.

I blushed and didn't know what to say. I forgot to ask Omi if we will announce it to our friends. Maybe I should deny it for now-

"I'm her boyfriend now."

We both looked at Omi, shocked. Did he really.. omg! He said it.

"Is that true?" Kenji asked me and I nodded. "Congrats."


He looked at Omi, "Don't tell me to stay away from her-"

"I won't. Just take care of her too when I'm not around."- Omi.

"Sure." Kenji sound manly in that.

'Hays I'm glad they're okay.'

We all walked together and reached the school. They have a practice and I decided to come along hehe. They went to their club room and I waited here at the gym. Some of the members are already here, including their manager Annie, who is glaring at me while coming closer.

"Where did you take Airon last night?" she asked.

"We got home after buying some things."

"You stole him from me." - her.

"Stole? He's not yours to begin with." what if I tell her that we're in a relationship now? I'm sure she'll be more angry hehe.

"I'm not going to back down."- her.

As if it would scare me. I was about to reply when Omi arrived with Kenji. Then she suddenly smiled and walked towards them. Fake.

"Airon, Kenji. I have some good news!" she said excitedly.

Omi ignored her and went to me but she just wouldn't stop and followed him so Kenji did the same. We're all together again. They're wearing a yellow shirt and I am wearing uniform.

"OUR club will be having a beach break this weekend." she's indicating the word OUR.

"Really?"- Kenji.

"Yes. Coach told me to announce it today."- her. "So, are you in?"

"Of course we're in, right Hazel?" Kenji turned to me.

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