Prologue [Rewritten]

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Just to let you know. This rewrites aren't genuine. I used AI to help rewrite it. It's better and faster that way.

Amidst a serene turquoise sky, the sun radiated golden beams, casting a delightful glow. However, the tranquility was soon disrupted as the atmosphere took on an eerie hue, dark clouds emerging from below. These clouds, formed from a bold fusion of fire and flammable materials, polluted the air with gaseous smoke, transforming the once-blue sky into a charcoal black expanse.

From an aerial vantage point, one witnesses the harrowing sight of towering buildings engulfed in flames and billowing smoke. Within these structures, people are ensnared in the grip of imminent peril, their cries of terror echoing amidst the encroaching inferno, as their surroundings gradually succumb to the relentless blaze. Adding to the chaos, the streets, city blocks, and alleys below are engulfed in turmoil and agony. Amidst the disarray, individuals, whether sane or possibly afflicted by unexplained symptoms resembling rabies, descend into a state of utter madness. Their minds seem consumed by an alien consciousness, driving them to savage acts of violence. With eyes gleaming with predatory intent, they leap through the air with unnatural speed, viciously attacking innocent bystanders in frenzied displays of cannibalism. The scene devolves into a gruesome spectacle, with scores of victims torn apart and their lifeless bodies left in the wake of bloodlust.

Similar to the spread of wildfire, animals swiftly succumb to the chaos, either falling victim to the violence or desperately seeking escape routes away from the encroaching danger. The scene unfolds as a savage massacre, with the well-being of those involved holding no significance to the relentless onslaught, their plight disregarded amidst the carnage.

These beings exhibited a striking lack of humanity, evident in their pallid complexion and the overpowering stench of decay that surrounded them. Their bodies showed signs of advanced decomposition, with rotting flesh visible on their chest, legs, arms, and throughout their entire form. Their eyes appeared dilated and transparent, devoid of any semblance of life. Additionally, their body composition was irregular, with bones protruding visibly through their thin, yet thick, and slim frames. Their skin tone resembled charcoal brush strokes, while their hair retained its original hue, for the time being, contrasting starkly against the deteriorating state of their bodies.

Witnessing and experiencing the profound tremors of fear, one's once vibrant and resilient spirit crumbles suddenly, succumbing to an overwhelming sense of unawareness and vulnerability.

The collateral damage unfolded in a grim tableau of crashing vehicles littering the roads, public amenities falling into disrepair, and buildings consumed by flames or subjected to the destructive whims of unstable individuals.

Despite cries for help echoing through the chaos, there was no reprieve to be found; attempts at concealment or resistance proved futile against the onslaught. The transformed individuals, now dominating the populace in swelling numbers, descended upon their victims with savage abandon. Every step forward was marked by the sight of blood spatters, with fresh attacks perpetuating the cycle of violence as more unsuspecting individuals fell prey to the spreading menace.

The cacophony of footsteps reverberated through the air, chaotic yet oddly synchronized, transforming the concrete staircase into a makeshift march. The crowd ascended the floors in an orderly procession, their collective movements a testament to the urgency of their plight. Despite the organized chaos, a palpable sense of shock and fear hung heavy in the air, rendering the occupants of the staircase mute, unable to utter even a single word in the face of impending danger.

The horror of witnessing loved ones, whether relatives, friends, coworkers, or family members, succumb to unknown abnormalities instilled a profound terror, penetrating to the very core of their being. Each encounter with the transformed individuals left them gripped with bone-chilling fear, their minds reeling with bewilderment and disbelief at the unfathomable events unfolding before them.

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