Chapter Four

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Drauger had forgotten undressing, cleaning himself up and plopping into bed when he awoke to the distinct buzzing of his phone on the nightstand. He blindly reached for it, patting the cool wood before finding purchase and squinted at the screen.

Queen Vante is calling...

He groaned, burying his face into the pillow before answering it, holding the phone lazily to his ear as he shifted under the comforter weighing on him deliciously.

"Yes..?" He croaked, sleep making his voice hoarse and groggy sounding.

"Where are you, whore? You didn't text last night! I thought you were dead and had left me with all your junk here." The higher pitched male said, concern vaguely distinguishable through Drauger's sleepy haze.

Drauger groaned softly again, cursing himself. "Yes, I know. I'm fine, I'm safe. I'm just..." He paused, searching the fog in his mind for an answer until he gave up, not caring at the moment. "I'm staying at a client's house."

The other end of the line was silent for a beat, then two before a laugh came through the line loud enough to make him shift the phone from his ear with a grimace. "Oh my god, you're such a fucking whore! Is he or she decent at least? I can't having you fucking people with no class."

Drauger smirked. "Oh he has class alright.." He mumbled, flashes of Luce holding him up against the wall making his cock twitch in his briefs. He shifted his legs, willing the memories to leave as he focused on the ungodly loud squeal on the other end of his phone. "Vante, for fucks sake, it's too early for that."

"Honey, it's 3 in the afternoon. But, whatever, it's Sunday. Enjoy your new toy, behave and I'll see you for dinner?"

Drauger blinked at the time mentioned and sighed heavily, leaning his head back into the soft pillow. "Sure, sure, yeah. I'll see if he'd like to tag along."

"Mm, dinner and a show? Sera is going to have a field day with you. Bye bitch!" With that, Vante ended the call.

Drauger closed his eyes and tried to relax back into the sheets, his head pounding from the sudden noise he was just assaulted with. He opened them again and stared up at the ceiling between the four posters of his bed. He's never slept in that late, but with the time having fled him when he was talking with Luce, it didn't surprise him.

With a defeated sigh, he threw the covers off of him and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. The cool wood under his feet woke him up a bit as he stood and stretched, staggering his way over to a random drawer and pulling out a set of black sweats and a hoodie. He really must think of everything... He thought as he pocketed his phone and made his way downstairs.

The amount of time it took him to find the kitchen was horrific. He nearly got lost when he crossed paths with a petite woman who seemed to be a maid, courtesy of the laundry bag she was carrying. Drauger asked her where the kitchen was and she pointed him to it. He trotted off, thanking her as he hit the bottom of the stairs.

The kitchen looked like it was plucked straight from a restaurant with massive stacked ovens, four deep barn sinks with dark marble countertops, two islands with storage drawers on one side and two stoves tucked into each other. Drauger scanned the space for a coffee maker and found one tucked into the corner closest to the massive double stacked windows near the sinks.

He thanked whatever god was out there when he closed in on it and found a small bag of ground coffee, a cup and a spoon laid out for him. He fixed himself a cup, scrolling through Instagram until the coffee was done. He dressed it how he liked and walked out the French doors connecting the kitchen to the porch. He took a seat at the wooden table tucked into an alcove and sighed, finally drinking his coffee. It was the most delicious thing he could have at the moment, abandoning his phone on the table and looking out into the expansive hedged back yard of the mansion.

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