Chapter Three

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A elderly man with wiry white hair and a short beard greeted them at the front door, bowing slightly at the waist as he opened the large oak doors for them. Drauger blinked at him, feeling underdressed and underprivileged to be walking into such an expansive home. Luce thanked the man briefly before gently guiding Drauger inside with a large hand on the small of his back.

Drauger flushed slightly as he stepped inside the house, the scent of leather, pine and delicate jasmine lingering in between hitting him like a warm hug. The massive entryway opened like the gaping maw of a lion, a large elegant chandelier hung from the ceiling illuminating all the dark wood in a soft orange light. The dark wood furnishings made the space like Luce had 'old money' lining his pockets. There was a round center table in the middle of the space with a blooming bouquet of deep red roses and jasmine in an onyx vase, some pieces of mail and magazines littering the space in front of it. There were massive paintings of landscapes and old figureheads he's probably never heard of hung perfectly on the walls around them, seeming to look down at him as he stepped further into the room.

The deep green walls and the pale orange glow from the chandelier made the space feel cozy in a way. He noted that mentally but was stirred from his thoughts as he was led by that hand on his back towards the left side of a large twinning grand staircase that spiraled up to a second floor. He placed a hand on the intricately carved banister and made his way up. He felt so small in such a big space, but he didn't feel scared. He always pictured what it would be like in one of these massive houses when he was a kid.

Drauger's mom always had the Life and Reader's Digest magazines splayed open on their coffee table in their tiny living room as material to pass the time when she was bored. He would flip through the editions that periodically switched out over the months. He read an article about some luxury homes and was instantly smitten. He'd comb through article after article about whatever celebrities' homes and how much they cost. He'd imagine himself waking up in one and how it would feel walking from room to room, sitting in their living rooms and being able to lounge around and not have to worry about life. Now, he was living his fantasy.

They reached the top of the stairs, greeted by a painting of a man in his mid 30's maybe, sitting in a red leather chair with his legs crossed. His jaw was sharp, angular and his mustache looked expertly groomed with black hair that was slicked back. His eyes were sharp and looking ahead like he was staring off in the distance, triumphant almost. Drauger stared at the painting, captured by the detail and beauty of it, not realizing Luce was now at his side, looking at the painting also.

"His suit was gray. The artist didn't like how the colors mashed so she took the liberty of changing it to black." Luce stated matter-of-factly.

Drauger jumped, putting a hand over his chest. He looked at Luce with a furrowed brow. "Rule one of me staying here; don't sneak up on me!" He playfully hit his arm.

Luce chuckled and smiled at him. "You'll get used to it."

Drauger rolled his eyes. "Who is this guy?" He nodded towards the painting.

Luce's eyes darkened slightly as if he was recalling a memory and his face fell into his normal stoic expression. "My father."

Drauger mouthed an 'oh' and turned back to look at the painting, noticing now how similar the eyes, the jaw and the nose were. He turned back to Luce, examining his face and smirked. "You look better."

The corner of Luce's mouth twitched up. He gestured for them to continue and Drauger started walking, Luce right by his side. They walked down a similarly decorated hallway and Luce stopped at a door at the end of the hallway. He pushed open the door and held it open, nodding for him to go inside. Drauger slowly entered, flicking the switch he felt near the door and the lamps kicked on, basking the space in a faint yellow glow.

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