Chapter 9 | Your Good Heart

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We finished our food and prepared to leave. I got up and walked over to the bathroom just before we left and gave my shadow a look. I noticed a girl give me a quick glance, though I kept moving.

"You gonna watch me use the bathroom or something?"

"No, that's not how it works."


"Just like how in the sun light I was tucked away I can do the same, though it is a bit awkward–"

It continued to talk as I felt a weird sensation when I got to the entrance of the bathroom.

"-so actually I don't have to watch you use the bathroom I mean-"

"Hey...hold on a sec."

We both went silent. I felt a similar sensation from whenever I first found myself last night. It went away.

"I-...I'm fine now."

I went in, did bathroom duties, then walked out. I noticed the same girl who was giving me a glance a few minutes ago walked up. She must've had to go too. Then again I had that same feeling but more frequent. It felt like static going through my head while my head pulsed.

"What's going on?" the shadow asked.

The girl stopped and looked at me. I noticed she was about to say something so I decided to just take my leave.

"Sorry...I'm in the way."

Walking back to my parents as they were getting ready to leave. We said our thank you's and made our way back to the car. Thoughts crowded me. The feeling got stronger when she was near me I thought. It was weird but it wasn't her fault though. Just something triggered it and I had no clue what.
"Nothing makes sense anymore..." I exhaled.

My parents hadn't brought up anything since so I thought I was fine. It wasn't a big deal anyway at the end of the day. Even if they did think I was crazy, it wouldn't matter. My mom called me out a lot of the time for talking to myself anyways–so nothing out of the norm.

"Thank you for the food!"
"Yep, no problem." Dad said.

"Yes, thank you!" Mom followed.

My brother looked over at me.

"You need to try something new I swear. You're always getting that bacon, egg and cheese sandwich." He laughed.

"Yeah, I've had their burger. Though you're right!"

We're all in a cheery mood, nothing after a good breakfast to get you going. Heading home started at the beautiful infinite blue sky.


I went to walk around the neighborhood to clear my head a bit. Me and my shadow talked and I expressed to him about what had happened earlier. He didn't know anything either. The fresh air, and the evening sunset were so relaxing. The sight of nature just brings peace to the mind.

"Y'know despite the fact you were created off of my more negative side–you're pretty calm."

The shadow's body shifted in direction. Probably trying to reciprocate what I had just said. I shifted towards him as well, each face to face. He seemed deep in thought.

"Yes, well not all shadows are the same. Each was made off of something, though we are entitled to our own personalities and traits. Most shadows I've seen feed off of the more negative emotions like anger, and sadness. But also since we are a part of you we sense one's true mindset. I sensed you have a good heart, and I want to follow that."

I was speechless. I smiled as I kept on walking. It was reassuring, and I really did appreciate him.

"Thank you." I said quietly.

Time passed ever so quickly. It was only 7pm yet it was so dark. I climbed on top of my dad's truck and surveyed the night sky. In our area there weren't many stars, though enough to really be mesmerized. Whether on earth or beyond, all creation is seemingly beautiful. I explained some basic knowledge about space and the stars to him. He seemed just as invested, if not more. The feelings of the unknown are so interesting. We stared into the infinite abyss of the night.

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