~ Chapter 20 ~

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"Uh...Maybe a little more?" Sana replied, her voice trembling as she looked the witch up and down. The woman sighed, rolling her eyes at Samara.

"Now look what you've..." She seemed like she was trying to contain herself. "Never mind. Samara, how about you go check what the twins are doing?"

"I know what...they're doing...They're definitely with...Anna right...now..."

"Mhm, and go join them. Sana is clearly uncomfortable with you."

"How do you know my name?" Sana asked in surprise and, once again, the woman rolled her eyes.

"You told me your name the last time you came here. Goodness, I know you said you've been having issues with your memory but come on..." She took a few deep breaths, before putting on a smile as Samara retreated. "Now. I obviously cannot tell you everything, for I do not know everything. But a lot of what I know, as Samara kindly explained, I cannot say. A hint I will give you, however, is stations."

"Stations?" Just when Sana thought this woman was even remotely normal. "I'm not here for a riddle."

 "It will all become clear soon. I know that a lot of pressure has been put on you, and that burden must be overwhelming. But I promise that you will understand at some point in the near future. You won't fail." The woman bit her lip a little, before speaking again. "I suppose I must send you back. But, before I do...I want to test something out."

"What is it?"

"As you know, I was the first to arrive here. I discovered this power I have to look into people's souls. It only works on the dead, and it's like their life flashes right before your own eyes. It puts the person's soul to rest, in a way." She smiled slightly. "Nobody's been able to do that with me. But, since you're special-"

"Supposedly." Sana interrupted, her eyes narrowed, and the woman nodded.

"-Supposedly special, I don't believe it would be stupid to assume you have the same power." She stepped closer, big eyes staring right at Sana. "Please..."

"But I don't know how-"

"You'll just know."

Sana stood there for a little. She had no trust in Samara, but this woman seemed different. She had a calming energy, it was no wonder everyone in this place flocked over to her, hanging on her every word. Despite Samara's determination to get the exact answers she wanted, she still clearly respected her and left when asked to.

So, hesitantly, Sana closed her eyes. She soon felt her legs walking on their own, and her hands reaching out. Gently, she placed one hand on the woman's chest, placing the other right above it.

This time she heard the world warping around her. It sounded like a whooshing sound and Sana felt it like wind blowing through her hair. She opened her eyes to the sound of a baby giggling.

There was a couple holding a newborn baby, smiling at each other. Sana noticed they were king and queen. As Sana stepped closer, she was surprised that nobody noticed her. When she touched the crib nearby, she realised that her hand went right through it.

Then, time passed faster. As the world around her flashed by, she saw the baby grow up. Time abruptly slowed back to normal when a child was holding hands with someone who looked older. The older girl was looking at two people in horror, and Sana soon realised why.

The king had a woman pressed up against the wall, and they'd just broken a hungry kiss. 

"Don't say anything about this, or it's your job." The king threatened, and the girl nodded. Sana tried to figure out what year this was, judging by the fact that a girl her age was working. It was weird, though. The girl looked a lot like Momo's sister...

Suddenly, time began to flash by again. It stopped going so quickly when Sana heard a baby crying. There was nobody in the room, and it was dark. It didn't seem like anyone was bothered to care for the child. The door was pushed open by the small child from earlier, and she stood on her tip-toes to see the baby.

She managed to make the baby laugh, before she was dragged out by a servant, leaving the child all alone again.

"How irresponsible..." Sana thought, before the world shifted again. Even while everything was passing so quickly, the girl could clearly see the differences in treatment.

All through the woman's (she wasn't even sure how to refer to her anymore) life, Sana could tell that she lived an easy life, while her sister was mistreated. Sana couldn't quite remember where she'd heard that before.

"What if we're caught?" 

Sana looked in the direction of the voice. The older sister looked no older than twenty. She was kissing another girl.

"It's fine...We won't, I promise..."

Then everything flew by again. It was the same routine, but the sisters seemed happier. Suddenly, after a while, it grew sadder.

The older sister seemed to look a lot more worried, and then time finally slowed at a very familiar point. She was walking up to a podium.

"I..." She sighed. "I have arrived here to address the rumours. I would like to assure everyone that I am not part of a hom-" The lady looked to her right after loud voices. Sana gasped, her hands clasped over her mouth as she watched the woman get shot right before her.

For some reason, it didn't end there. Sana looked in front, and standing right in the middle were two fairly short women. The taller one was smiling proudly, and the smaller one was looking on solemnly, her arms crossed. They looked a lot like two of the Twice members. 

Finally, the world warped once more, and she struggled to regain her balance as she found herself back in the void. As she slowly opened her eyes, the woman had hers shut. Silent tears were falling down her cheeks, and she opened her eyes when Sana gently removed her hands from her chest.

"Thank you..." The woman whispered, her voice breaking. "It does feel nice..."

Sana returned the woman's sad smile. "I'm so sorry that happened."

"It's alright." The lady shrugged. "It was ages ago - literally - and my life wasn't as bad as others. I was very privileged."

Sana's expression was unreadable for a moment, before it contorted into one of shock. It suddenly clicked. "You're the queen from that book..."

"I wasn't aware that there was a book about me. How flattering."

"But...If you died, why aren't you dressed in funeral wear?" Sana asked, and the queen laughed.

"You really thought I'd have a funeral? Goodness, no. People in the sixteen hundreds really hated homosexual relationships."

"Sixteen hundreds? Weren't you the first to die and arrive here?"

"Correct." The queen replied, and Sana cocked her head in confusion.

"That wasn't millenniums ago. Samara said you've been stuck here for millenniums..." Sana took a slight step back, when the queen smiled.

"Oh. She did, didn't she?"

And just like that, Sana was back in the shed.

(This chapter should feel familiar if you've read my other book...)

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