~ Chapter 15 ~

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"Alright. Why was Mina in that book?" Momo wondered aloud, and Sana considered it.

We were in that weird recording. Maybe it's the same sort of thing?

"Well that makes it easier, but not too much easier because I don't understand that either!" The girl exclaimed, pacing around the shed. Sana watched her with bored eyes.

Don't stress so much. We'll figure it out! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

Momo's conflicted expression became a soft smile. "Wow, you're positive." For some reason, Sana seemed surprised for a moment, but then her face flickered back to a normal one. Sana nodded slowly. "Also, what about Dahyun and that poisonous plant? Why was it roaming around? Why did you grow it? How did you grow it?"

I don't know. I sneezed a lot, and then it grew.

Momo bit her fingernail in worry, but she stopped when she received a text message. She checked it, and suddenly looked confused. "Mina said to check outside?" She looked towards the window and gasped. It was raining heavily. "I thought they said clear skies?"

Maybe the people controlling the weather messed up. 

"Excuse me? People control the weather in your world? God, I wish that were the same for us. We have people predicting the weather using some science that I couldn't understand for the life of me..." Momo groaned, rolling her eyes. Sana smirked, shrugging. Her smirk disappeared quickly, though, when the girls heard a low rumbling sound. "Fuck, now there's thunder? What is wrong with meteorologists these days?"


"Yeah, thunder. We might as well expect lightning!" Momo noticed how Sana was trembling and stopped ranting. "Hey, you okay? I can figure something out with my dad, you don't need to sleep here tonight..."

That's fine! I'm fine. I'm okay!

Momo was grateful that Sana couldn't speak because she could tell that that poor girl would have been stuttering too much to get any of those words out.

"You clearly aren't...Are you afraid of thunder?" 

Why would I be? I'm strong and worthy. Thunder is nothing.


"Thunder is nothing...Thunder is nothing..." Sana thought to herself, flinching when she heard another rumble. She let out a cry when lightning struck, again.

Why was she so afraid of storms? Of thunder, of lightning? That was a question Sana asked herself when she wasn't preoccupied with screeching at more lightning. She had her hands tightly clasped over her ears, and pathetic tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"Pathetic little bitch..." Sana thought, furiously wiping at her everflowing tears. "What is wrong with me?"

Another question she asked herself a lot. What was wrong with her? Why was she so weak, why was she so pathetic? She felt so out of place and, believe it or not, it wasn't because she was in another world. Everyone was happy, while she was plagued by unwanted memories, constant belittling thoughts, regular migraines...

And why was she so hungry?

Well she could answer that question. She hadn't eaten much at all, and she remembered it also being a habit in her own world. Only a fool wouldn't notice how Momo gave weird glances towards her unemptied plates of food. In a way, it made Sana happy that she cared, but it was still uncomfortable.

Sana didn't have an eating disorder. She really didn't. So why? She couldn't put her finger on it. Of course, the distressed state she was in at that moment prevented her from thinking about her constant craving for a weighing scale, her constant longing to find out how much weight she'd put on recently, the fact that Sana was always overthinking about whether others approved of her or not...

Sana continued crying at the storm, now even the raindrops were terrifying her. Memories were spilling out just like a leak. Yeah, that was a fitting simile to describe her mind. Her brain had an annoying leak, the insufferable pitter patter of the drops resonating throughout her head. It was torture. She avoided silence, because when it was quiet, it was like being trapped in an empty room with nothing but water drops slowly dripping from the ceiling. 

Suddenly, she felt warm. Like caring arms were wrapped around her, almost like a soft blanket. That caused another memory, but this time it was wanted.


"Shhh, it's okay...Don't be scared..."

"I-it won't s-stop..."

"I know, I know..." The girl nodded, her glossy eyes showing in the darkness, only the moon to light the room. "It's really scary, isn't it?" She frowned. "Hey, I don't show it, but I get scared too..."

The princess looked at her in confusion. "R-really?"

"Yeah! The noises, and-" They both flinched at another loud bang. "And knowing what comes with it..."

"How do you deal with it?"

"I...Hope. I wish that it can all end, and try my best to believe my words." She cupped the princess' face with her hands. "But it's okay, because I'm here. I'll always be here. I won't ever leave you."


"You know I never break a promise."


Sana snapped out of it to realise Momo was embracing her. She felt herself being rocked gently, and blushed.

"I knew you were scared!"

Sana wiped at her tears, smiling gratefully at the gesture. She also quickly realised that the two were wrapped up in a blanket.

Not two.


One singular blanket.

Sana found herself fighting the urge to kiss Momo all over again. When did she become so fond of Momo? To be honest, she didn't really care. She needed the comfort, and if it would be Momo giving it to her, then she was going to take the chance.

 Suddenly, the thunder didn't seem so scary anymore.

(Is that the longest Sana flashback we've had? I feel bad for her 😭)

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