"I-It's r-really ok, B-Benne-Ben," I said again so he would stop blaming himself but instead of stopping, he slowly started shaking his head.

"No, it's not," he said with a firm face and I felt myself straighten up.

"Y-Yes, i-it is," I stated as I raised my eyes and locked with his.

"It's not," he said as he now placed his hands on the table and leaned forward.

"I-It is," I also continued and placed my hands on the table, too, leaning forward.

"It's not,"

"I-It is,"

"It's not,"

Then, the waitress who gave us the menus came back and smiled at us both.

"So, what would you guys like?" she said and I seriously felt sort of angry at Benne-Ben.

I awkwardly sat there as Benne-Ben placed his order before they both turned to me. My face lit up as I stared at Bennett.

"She would have the same as me," he said to the waitress and she nodded before disappearing.

Even after her leaving, I couldn't calm down. I felt like a little child who always looked for trouble and got scolded in the end.

"Sorry, I didn't really let you read the menu and ordered for you. I hope that's ok," Bennett said after a short pause and I glanced up at him.

"Y-Yeah, i-it's completely f-fine. I-I didn't know what t-to o-order, anyway," I said with a nervous laugh and sipped some water.

'Nice one, Iz. You're getting good at socializing,' I heard Liz's voice and almost jumped up out of my seat.

'Liz! Are you feeling better?'

'Don't remind me of what you did with mate. I want to forget it, although I know that the pain will never end, it will only get worse from here,'

I wanted to yell at her. I wanted to tell her that she should be thankful for what we have. We had lived our entire lives getting beaten up by males, how could she be sure that our mate won't do the same?

I heard a throat being cleared and looked up at Bennett who was staring at me. He looked like he was about to burst out laughing at any second.

That made my cheeks heat up for being the one that the laugh was directed at.

"Did you really just start talking with your wolf in the middle of our conversation?" he said as his eyes searched my face.

"S-Sorry, i-it's that I-I h-haven't talked t-to h-her since I-I f-found you g-guys," I said and bit my lip. It was so weird that I just started talking with a guy who looked quite scary.

Was I just this easy? I mean, I hadn't talked to anyone for ages and I didn't really think that I had social skills even equal to the size of a grain. This felt weird but I liked it.

Bennett took his lip ring into his mouth and continued to stare at me as the conversation got dark. He looked so serious and didn't speak for a little while.

Just as our food arrived, he became his normal self again and stuffed his face with the burger.


"Guys, let's watch the new movie that just came out," Leah said as she entered the kitchen where Ben was sitting, doing his assignment which was due two days ago and I was helping myself to some ice cream.

"S-Sure, what's it a-about?" I asked as I sat down at one end of the kitchen island and started eating.

The ice cream melted in my mouth and left an amazing, chocolatey taste on my tongue. Its coldness cooled me down on a hot summer evening.

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