Chapter 4: Trauma

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"I HATE YOU" I screamed at her, she'd put me through so much and I couldn't do it anymore. "I WANT MY MOM" I growled through the tears I couldn't hold anymore, tears full of anger, confusion, frustration, and sadness. I didn't know which one hurt more, my heart from missing my mom or my body from her beatings. "Oh! I discipline you once and you wanna cry for mommy" she snapped I hated how my words never seemed to effect her. No matter what I said it was never remorse or sympathy. Just a look that almost looked like she was calling me pathetic. She was only sympathetic when she was guilt tripping me. I imagined hitting her, saying something back, or just something but even when I did it never changed anything. "Fine. You want your mom so bad, go pack your shit then." she added in a way that was a mix of a matter of fact way and a "fine I'm done with it" way.
For once a spark of hope lit inside of me, that spark lit up a darkness that had been there for so long. I was finally free, I was going home. "What" I asked making sure I heard her right. "I said go pack your shit since you wanna leave so bad." she said. I stormed off to my room not wanting to show her I was hopeful. I grabbed a bag and started packing clothes, I grabbed pictures of me and my papaw and some trinkets. I finished and layed on my bed finally letting the tears fall, these tears were different they were a mix of hope, relief, and yearn. The tranquility that I had been searching for, for so long was interrupted by my bedroom door bursting open. "What the hell are you doing!" she screamed at me, "I've packed my stuff" I said standing up straighter not wanting her to see how she made me feel. "You're not leaving" she said with a scoff, I felt my whole world crumble around, all the hope was gone and there was nothing I could do about it. It was a flash when I saw her raise her hand. "No!" I screamed, gasping for air and shooting up. I was terrified, I gasped for the air my body so desperately needed. "Baby what's wrong" ray said with a worried look just waking up. I couldn't say anything all I could do was hug and sink into him. Thankfully he didn't question and just accepted the hug, "shush baby it's okay I've got you" he whispered to me whilst rocking back and forth a little. It eventually calmed me down and I ended up falling back asleep in his arms.
I woke up with a grueling headache, most likely caused by the breakdown. Ray already knows what I went through when I was younger so that explains why he didn't question why I was hysterical. I used to have those kind of nightmares all the time before the outbreak so he's used to it. He must've noticed the change in my breathing because I felt big arms snake around my waist. he whispered in my ear "morning sleeping beauty". His hot breath against my ear made me shiver. "Morning" I replied hiding my now red cheeks. "You wanna talk about that nightmare" he replied, tightening his grip on my waist. "You already know what it was about" I said softly hoping he would drop the subject. Luckily for me he did, "oh okay I understand" he said gently. I relished in the feeling of the soft sheets, his warm body, and the sunlight hitting our body's in the perfect way. "We could sleep in but" he drug out the last word "you look a little low on supplies and I have to go get my dog from where I was staying". I groaned at his words really not wanting to leave my bed. "Do we have to" I said in a whiny tone, "yes love I can't just leave dragon alone" I recoiled at the statement. "Wow you still have dragon?" I said astonished, "yeah ofc I still have him". "Huh I didn't think he would survive he's not the smartest dog you know" I replied laughing a little. "Hey you leave drag alone he's trying his best okay" he said with a huff. "Fine" I said annoyed as I got up out of bed. I didn't get far til I was pulled back down to the bed. "Hey!" I squealed falling back "5 more minutes" ray squeaked out. "Your literally the one who said we had to get up" I said laughing. "Yeah but we can do that later" he replied. I huffed but knew I wasn't getting out of his grasp unless he wanted me to. With nothing else to do I let the sleepiness when and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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