Chapter 8 - Among the Endless Waters Crashing

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Liam expected to find himself in the Waiting Room after he was shoved off, even if he'd proven there was no way of being harmed by falling here. What he didn't expect, however, was to find himself falling into water. Having fully expected death and not a swim, Liam thrashed around in a panic.

When he got his bearings, he took a look around. The water was pitch black, like the sky around them. It was somewhat clear for being seemingly opaque. Liam clawed his way to the surface, spotting Stone right away. Though when he nearly swam in a full circle, he noticed Airy was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Airy?"

Stone pointed below them. Oh, of course. He must've sunk when he hit the water. Without thinking, Liam dove down in the hopes of finding him. He heard Stone dive down and swim somewhere behind him. The now-clearer water made it easier to spot Airy, who was struggling to move with the waves. Liam grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up.

Before he could go to the surface, however, something else tugged on him. Both looked toward Airy's leg, but then Liam's grip on his arm gave out.

All he could do was swim after Airy, unable to call out or do anything else. Now that he was closer, he could see a flash of gray dragging Airy down the ocean. Stone.

He stopped swimming for a moment, caught up in his surprise. At this point, they were all going to drown, and Liam wasn't even sure he could trust Stone at this point. Surely there was a reason for them to be doing this? He continued swimming. If they were all going to die, at least they'd end up in the same place together.

The burning feeling he was already familiar with returned. It didn't matter; there was no use in turning back now. Just then, Airy and Stone vanished. The water was suddenly brighter, blinding even. There was a flash of white, then it was back to falling for a brief moment before he hit the ground again.

He sat up, gasping for air. As he looked around, he could see Airy doing the same, and Stone standing away from them. They were in some white void now. When he looked up, he noticed the ceiling was the very black water they were previously swimming in, suspended in the air.

"What is your problem, Stone?!" Liam said in between gasps. Finally, he stumbled to his feet. Though, he slipped before he could fully stand up. He was completely waterlogged from that swim, making his steps and movements feel like he had weights attached to his limbs.

Stone glanced at him, shooting a sympathetic glance, but then he turned away. Airy also stood up, looking panicked as he looked around the room. Liam stared at him for a moment, a sinking feeling forming within him. Airy didn't seem to notice a crack had formed on the back of his head. Where we're they now?

There were so many thoughts in his head that he could barely untangle. Being unable to talk to Stone didn't help either. He was surprised to even find himself doubting Stone, and where he was leading them. Still, what could he do? He had no idea what was actually going on. Surely there was a reason for this all, right?

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