After that, all the Janniseries chanted,
"Long live, Sultan Mustafa!"

It was too noisy for Mustafa. He closed his ears with his hand and was getting really annoyed.

Some people found this action of Mustafa really weird and gave glances to each other.

Davut Pasha: That's all for now. Our Sultan needs to go back now.

Before leaving,
Musfafa went to his brother's coffin and touched it. He removed the Sultan hat of his brother on top and then the cover. Some of the jannisaries and Pashas were surprised with what he was doing .

Mustafa looked at the lifeless body of his brother.

Mustafa: Brother...I don't know why you left this throne for me?!

He looks at the pale face of his brother and recalls his childhood and how his brother used to pamper him and call him his squirrel.

Mustafa: I will miss you a lot. I wish we could have spent more time.

Tears drop from his eyes.

Davut: We should go now, Sultan.

He takes Mustafa.

The Pashas and Jannisaries are talking among themselves.

Halil Pasha: The new Sultan is so weird.

Jannisary 1: He closed his ears when we were chanting, if he gets bothered with such noises, how will he lead the expedition or rule the empire?!

Halil Pasha : And how he opened his brother's coffin suddenly, it's really strange.

Sheikh: I don't see anything wrong in this. He loved his brother and owed his life to him, after all he spared his life. It shows our Sultan has some mercy and conscience, just like his brother, late Sultan Ahmet Han.

Zulfikar Pasha: Yes that's true. Even late Sultan Ahmet Han was nervous when he ascended the throne, but he turned out fine.

The Pashas and Jannisaries are debating on Mustafa.

Halime: (takes a sigh of relief) Finally this ceremony is over.

Nurat: Can I go to the Sultan now, Valide?!

Halime looks at Nurat annoyed.

Dilruba: Yes you can go now.

Nurat quickly goes to meet hin.

Halime: Dilruba...why did you allow her?!

Dilruba: Mustafa looked really nervous and afraid. Maybe seeing Nurat may calm him a little.

Kosem: Halime, I have ensured your son got the throne. Do not forget the promise you made to me, if not, you know the consequences.

Halime: Yes, you and your children can still stay here at the Palace safe. I can't deny you did help Mustafa and I do owe it to Sultan Ahmet for sparing Mustafa's life. As long as you help us, since you have contacts with Jannisaries and Pashas, I will do as promised.

Halime looks at Kosem.

Halime: Kosem, call me Valide from now on.

Kosem: Okay Valide. (bows down to her)

Mustafa goes to his room and moves his crown away and opens his furry coat and throws it away.

Nurat reaches the room seeing Mustafa annoyed.

Nurat: Sultan...

Mustafa: Nurat, good you are here. It's so hard to be a Sultan. So many people, so much noise and so many things to learn. I feel, Osman should have ascended the throne. At least he has some training experience.

Wounded Love of the Mad Sultan - Magnificent Century: KosemМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя