36 | I do | Last Chapter

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Tysm for reading!! I know I said I said in an announcement  there'll be more chapters, but that's cause I'm starting another book after this one

Komaeda aced another performance. He stood on the stair, holding up his trophy.

"Nagito!" Someone called out. He looked around and saw Hinata walking towards him. The brunet stood in front of him and cupped his cheek. "Congrats, babe." He kissed him. They had talked about showing their relationship publicly and decided it would come out eventually anyway, so they didn't mind.

"Thank you," Komaeda whispered softly.

"You're so amazing. I love you so much." He got onto one knee and got out a box. "Will-"

"Yes!!! Oh my gosh, yes!!" Komaeda exclaimed, jumping off of the stairs. He kissed his fiancé. Hinata chuckled at his excitement and pulled him into a warm hug.


The public went crazy when they saw this. The two of them were famous athletes, after all and Japan was not the most progressive place when it came to this topic. Several articles were written about the proposal and people discussed it all over social media.

They didn't care though.

They didn't read the articles or watch videos about the engagement. Instead, they planned their wedding.

Mr. Komaeda went all out. He ordered a big ice sculpture of the two of them and a huge wedding cake. He booked a beautiful venue and paid for a pretty white tails suit and a veil for Komaeda.

Before the wedding, the two of them sat in a room together. Mr. Komaeda carefully ran his fingers through his sons hair. "Nagito, I'm so proud of you. Your mother would be proud too. I love you more than anything in the world, angel,"

"I love you too, dad,"

"My little angel is all grown up. I can't believe it..."

Komaeda- soon to be Hinata- stood up and turned around to his father. "Dad?"


"It's time for you to walk me to the altar,"

Tears formed in his father's eyes and he hugged him tightly.

"Dad!" Komaeda laughed. "Too soon!"

"S-sorry!" His father whiped his tears. "Let's go then. Your prince charming is waiting for you," he teased.

The doors to the building opened and the two men stepped through, arms linked together. Hinata stood at the front, wearing a nice black tuxedo. His mouth fell open when he saw Komaeda.

The two got closer and closer to the front. Mr. Komaeda gave his son a hug when they got there. "I love you so much, angel," he whispered. Then, he pulled Hinata into a hug. "I'm glad he chose you, Hinata-san. You're a great man." Then, he sat down with the other guests.

"Ahem!" Souda began. "We've gathered here today to celebrate the love of these two men. Hinata, my soul bro, has asked me to give a little speech, so... let me do that now. I'm not a romantic guy, really. But I watched their romance spark from the very beginning. Komaeda was new at our school and got treated badly by everyone. From day one, Hinata was always looking at him, smiling when someone mentioned him, his face lightened up when he saw Komaeda,"

Hinata turned red.

Souda laughed. "Thought I didn't notice?" He asked. The guests chuckled, including Komaeda. "You're laughing, but you ain't off the hook either, man!" Souda warned. "I talked with Komaeda about Hinata several times. He always went 'oh Hinata-kun is so handsome I wish he would sweep me of my feet, he is so cool!'. I remember it clearly. Komaeda had a huge crush on him from the beginning. It wasn't just crushes though, it was clear to me they were in love. They helped each other through the good and the bad," He said.

"The moment I really realized Hinata loved Komaeda though, was when I noticed his small gestures of affection. Running him baths, tucking his hair behind his ear, calling him cute. And I knew that meant he loved him, 'cause he never did any of that with me," The guests laughed again. "Seriously though, they're the most authentic and loving couple I've ever seen. Sorry, mom and dad. Now then, I think you two have something to say to each other,"

Hinata got out a notebook. "Uh, yeah. I guess I'll just start then." He cupped Komaeda's cheek. "Nagito, you- uh, I-... God, you're so beautiful," he whispered, nervous. Then, he took a deep breath. "The moment I saw you skate for the fist time, I was awestruck.
You honestly look like an angel. I've never seen anyone nearly as gorgeous as you. It's a miracle how someone as breathtaking as you isn't arrogant," he chuckled.
"But, uh, I don't just love you for your looks, obviously. I love you because you're so ambitious. You're so kind and open-hearted. You're honest, but sweet. You're kind, but can speak your mind and do it loudly if you have to. You're so admriable. And I know you can take care of yourself, but I also know you like having someone watch out for you, so I promise to do that until the end of time. I swear to love you until I take my last breath and beyond. I promise to love and care for you forever. I can't wait to build our future together." He leaned in for a kiss, but Souda put a hand between their faces.

"Not yet, bro. Wait for him to say his vows,"

"Right. Sorry, babe,"

Komaeda smiled softly. "Hajime, I know I say it a lot, but I love you so much. You were there for me through everything. You're amazing, you're strong, you're kind and you work hard to improve yourself every day. I admire that so, so much. I love you, Hajime. I know you're hard on yourself sometimes when it comes to expressing your emotions, but I want you and everyone else to know I'm so proud of you. I love you so, so much. I promise I'll be there for you, I'll help you through tough times, I'll support you and love you forever and ever and ever." He wrapped his arms around Hinata's neck. The brunet put his hands on Komaeda's waist.

"Wait a damn second, Jeez!" Souda said. "Uh, soul bro, Hinata Hajime, do you promise to- Don't kiss yet I said!!! -do you promise to love and care for-"

"I just promised that! I do!"

"Komaeda Nagito, do you-"

"Yes, I do!"

"Then you may now-"

The two of them pressed their lips against each other.

"-put on the rings."

"Oh!" Komaeda pulled away. "I'm so sorry, I totally forgot!"

Nanami stood in front of them, holding the rings, looking awkward. "Here you go. Love you guys,"

Hinata grabbed one ring and put it on Komaeda's finger.

"Ha!" He laughed. "You're mine now." He pulled him closer by his waist. Komaeda put the other ring on Hinata's hand too. "So are you." He kissed the tip of his nose.

Mr. Komaeda sat in the front row, sobbing his eyes out. Hinata's father awkwardly pat his back. "You'll be okay, man,"

"I-it's... so beautiful..."

"Hinata Nagito..." The brunet muttered. "Sounds nice," he smirked.

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