7 | Friends

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Late at night, Hinata brought Komaeda back to his dorm so he could go to sleep. They stood in front of the door as Komaeda unlocked it.

"Hinata-kun... Thank you for sticking up for me and being my friend," he said to the brunet.

"Don't mention it. I think you're great,"

"Thank you." Komaeda gave him a quick hug. "Good night, Hinata-kun,"

"Good night,"

After that, the pale boy went to sleep. Hinata smiled. He liked being Komaeda's friend.


The next day, his teammates confronted him again.

"Hinata, stop hanging out with Komaeda." Oowada demanded.


"If you don't, we won't allow you to sit at our table anymore,"

"Wow, so scary, Regina George," Hinata mocked him.

"I'm serious. Stop hanging out with him!" He shouted.

"Chill out. It's not that serious,"

"Yeah, it is! Since when do you not have team spirit or loyalty?! You're a bad player!"

Hinata gritted his teeth. "I'm the best on our team! Coach Sakakura said that himself and he's a professional!" He exclaimed.

"So you're arrogant too?"

The brunet grabbed Oowada by the collar of his shirt. "Don't ever insult my basketball skills! I'm the captain of our team and I can hang out with whoever I want!" He shouted.

Komaeda stood outside of the locker room, shocked. He didn't want them to fight because of him. He had to put a stop to it somehow.

He opened the door, eyes closed. "I'm sorry for disturbing your privacy, I'm not looking!" He said. "Uhm, someone forgot their shoes outside!" He held up a pair of shoes. "Please take them!"

"Those are yours," Oowada said.

"Huh? No, are you sure?"

"They're skates. And I know what kinda skates you wear, 'cause I know these don't belong to the hockey players. They need better ones than these dainty little accessories,"

"Huh?? But someone definetly-"

"Get out,"

"But I-"

"Get. Out."

"...yes, okay-"

"Get out!"

"Of course!" Komaeda left and slammed the door shut behind him.


"You're a real asshole, you know that, Oowada?" Hinata asked before he grabbed his bag and left.

"Komaeda, are you okay?"

"...You can stop being friends with me if you want... It's gonna ruin your team,"

"No way. I'll keep being friends with you, no matter what anyone says,"

"But why? You barely know me,"

"If my friends hate me as soon as I hang out with you, they're not my friends. But you are. I like you,"

"...I like you too." He smiled. "You're too nice to me, Hinata-kun,"

"No. They're just too mean to you. Now, come on. Let's go eat lunch." He wrapped an arm around his shoulder and they went to the cafeteria together.

That evening, Hinata had convinced Komaeda to play basketball with him. Of course, Hinata was way better than the pale boy.

"No, I missed again! I really tried this time..."

"Come on, you're doing great. Let me help you out." He picked Komaeda up. "Try again like this,"

Now that Komaeda was higher up, he managed to land a point. "Yay, thank you!"

Hinata put him down. "No problem. I help where I can. But from now on, no more helping. I'm gonna go really hard on you,"

"Huh?? Why??"

"Because I'm evil, that's why!" He grabbed the ball and immediately landed a point. "Come on, try to get it!"

"You're dribbling way too fast, there's no way I can-! Ah!"

Hinata ran around him with the ball, then jumped up and scored another point.

After an hour, they went to Hinata's dorm. Komaeda was so tired he felt like he could fall asleep right away.

"I'm so done, Hinata-kun..."

"I'll get a bath ready for you, okay?"

"Thanks..." He sat down on the floor as Hinata went to the bathroom. Souda was laying on the bed, checking his phone.

"Sorry about how the other guys treat you," He said. "I think you're cool. I just don't wanna risk losing my friends like Hinata does,"

"It's alright, I don't hold it against you,"

Souda sat up, putting his phone away. He looked serious. "They've been saying some horrible shit about you, I know. Not as bad as the hockey guys, but still... That's no what I expected from them. And they've been asking coach Sakakura to kick Hinata off the team. He said no and I know he won't change his mind, but still... it's messed up that they even asked that,"

Komaeda nodded. "Yes, those aren't good friends at all. A true friend would side with Hinata,"

Souda looked off to the side.

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that-"

"Nah, it's fine. You're right,"

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