26 | Aggressive

52 6 10

Sorry it's so short, it's the setup for the next chapter

For the first time in a while, Komaeda was eating lunch in the cafeteria. He sat at a table with Hinata and Souda.

"Aren't y'all gonna sit with us?" Oowada asked, stopping at their table. "Or Souda, at least,"


"Don't tell me you're seriously on Hinata's side in this,"

"'Course I am. He's my soul bro. And he's right,"

"Man, fuck you, Komaeda. Ever since you came here, you've just been ruining everything," Oowada hissed.

Komaeda continued eating.

Oowada grabbed him by his hair. "Are you seriously gonna ignore me-?!"

Hinata punched him in the face. "Don't fucking touch him!" He shouted.

"You piece of-!"

Hinata punched him again and then kicked him between his legs. People were staring at them.

"Hinata!" Souda shouted, grabbing his arm.

"Fuck off!"

"Hinata!" He said again. "Stop it!" He insisted sternly.

The brunet looked at Oowada, who was touching his cheek in pain. Suddenly, memories flashed in his head.

His brother.

Nose bleeding.

"Shut up, Izuru!"

"Hajime, stop it!" His mother screamed.

"Hajime!" His father grabbed his wrist.

He took a deep breath. He didn't know what to do. Was he just supposed to apologize or what now? Oowada was obviously in pain. He had fucked up. He was absolutely getting in trouble for this.

"Shit, I... I thought I got better,"

"Fuck you, Hinata," Oowada said. "I hate you. And you're shit at basketball!"

Hinata gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. You could tell he was about to explode again. Komaeda had never seen him this angry. It was... scary.

"Your brother is way better at this than you! In fact, all of us are!"

Hinata punched him again. And again.

"Hinata-kun, stop it!" Komaeda shouted, angry. "You're acting like a fool! Sit down and stop beating him up!"

Hinata looked at him with wide eyes. "Fuck... You weren't supposed to-... I'm sorry." He hurried to get out of the cafeteria. Souda ran after him.

"This is all your fault." Oowada glared at Komaeda, grabbing him by his collar. "You ruined everything!" He threw him against a wall and everything went black once again.

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