Chapter 10: I Know What You're Scared Of

Start from the beginning

"Are you guys okay?" Sarita inquires, concern lacing her voice.

Kenny, his face etched with worry, asks, "The hell did he do to you guys? Hey, did he hurt you?!"

As they settle into the confined space of the truck, Troy closes the door with a definitive slide, sealing them inside.

A heavy silence envelops the group in the truck as they journey onward. Y/N, seeking solace in a familiar tune, starts humming softly, his foot tapping out the rhythm of a song from his past. The melody, "Hmm hmm hmm-hm fire, burn, burn, burn, burn..." fills the cramped space, his voice barely above a whisper, "hands up in the fire, hm hm hm hm..."

Nick, on edge and grappling with his nerves, snaps at Y/N, "Shut the fuck up, man! I can't hear my own damn thoughts!"

Rebecca and Kenny quickly come to Y/N's defense. Kenny interjects with a firm tone, "Id shut the fuck up, boy. Let the kid hum. It helps him focus, and we'll need all the focus we can get to bust out of this."

Nick's face flushing with anger and shame mutters an apology: "Alright, alright... but I ain't no boy!" His words carry a mix of frustration and resignation.

With a sarcastic edge, Kenny responds to Nick's outburst, "No, right. You're a man." His tone drips with irony, highlighting the absurdity of their situation.

With a glance that carries the weight of their grim reality, Rebecca adds, "You don't understand, Kenny. Nick's right. Carver, he's... he's different... he's worse." Her words, heavy with dread, underscore the looming threat of Carver's ruthless nature.

Rebecca casts a sympathetic glance towards Y/N, who, feeling somewhat reassured, resumes his soft humming, the tune contrasting with the tension in the truck.

In the truck's confined space, Clementine leans into Y/N, seeking the comfort of his presence, especially after Carver's harsh slap. She nestles her head on his shoulder, their bound hands a mere inconvenience as she finds solace in their closeness. The shared warmth between them contrasts sharply with the coldness of their situation. As Y/N picks up the melody again, humming the familiar tune, Clementine chimes in, their voices merging in a soft harmony. This small act of unity is their quiet resistance against the grim reality outside, a shared moment of peace amid the storm brewing around them.

Kenny's irritation is evident as he snaps, "The fuck are you talking about?" He can't wrap his head around Rebecca's hints that Carver is out for revenge.

Rebecca feels uneasy, saying, "He wants to punish us." Clementine, eyes wide with fear, chimes in, "Is he... is he gonna kill us?" Rebecca's response is uncertain: "I... I don't think so."

Kenny, defiant as ever, insists, "He ain't gonna get the fuckin' chance!" Y/N, feeling left in the dark, Y/N blurts out, "You could've warned us!" Kenny backs this up accusingly, "Yeah, you didn't tell us he was a fuckin' psychopath!"

Carlos attempts to interject some sense, "You have no idea what you're dealing with!" But Kenny is having none of it, "Oh, he gave me a pretty good goddamn idea back at the lodge, and I don't intend to sit around here and let that happen to the rest of us! I'm trying to help!"

Carlos bitterly recalls, "I'm sure Walter really appreciated your help!" Kenny looks down as Sarita cuts in, defending Kenny, "That's not fair! You're blaming him for the actions of a madman!"

Carlos counters, stressing the consequences of hasty decisions, "I am pointing out that, regardless of intent, there are consequences to rash actions! Something that he seems to be misreading as capitulation!"

Kenny, frustrated and dismissive, shoots back, "I don't know what the fuck you're saying, but I know it's bullshit! We have to do something!" Sarita tries to soothe him, "Kenny..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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