Chapter 10: Whispers After Dark and Unexpected Guests

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Author's POV

The post-concert buzz lingered long after the final notes faded. Exhausted but exhilarated, Melody and Beth found themselves surrounded by the members of Stray Kids, the backstage area transformed into a space of comfortable camaraderie.

"This has been the craziest night ever," Beth admitted, her voice hoarse from screaming along to the songs. "Seeing you guys perform live... it was unreal."

The members chuckled, their faces flushed from the adrenaline of the performance. Felix, ever the comedian, struck a dramatic pose. "We strive to leave our audiences breathless," he declared, earning a playful shove from Han.

As the night wore on, the conversation flowed easily. They shared stories about trainee days, favorite snacks (turns out Felix, like Melody and Bang Chan, preferred sweet treats over spice), and even exchanged embarrassing childhood anecdotes.

The clock ticked past midnight, and a comfortable exhaustion settled over the group.

"Whoa, it's getting late," Bang Chan finally acknowledged, scratching the back of his neck. "Maybe you guys should head home?"

Melody and Beth exchanged a hesitant glance. The prospect of leaving this newfound connection, the warmth of shared experiences, felt daunting. As if reading their minds, Han piped up.

"Hey," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "what if they crashed at the dorm? We have a spare room, and it's way too late for them to head out."

A collective gasp escaped the other members, their amusement evident. Even the usually composed Changbin raised an eyebrow at Han's suggestion.

"Han, are you serious?" Seungmin asked, a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Why not?" Han countered, his voice dripping with innocence. "It'd be fun! Plus, they can tell us all the embarrassing things you guys did at the ""dates"" , payback for all those childhood stories."

A groan erupted from the other members, but a playful smile tugged at the corners of Bang Chan's lips. He glanced at Melody, a question in his eyes.

"What do you think, Lucky Charm?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of hope.

The nickname sent a shiver down Melody's spine. This unexpected turn of events, the prospect of spending more time with him, with all of them, was thrilling. She stole a glance at Beth, who mirrored her own mix of excitement and apprehension.

"Well," Melody began, her voice barely a whisper, "it wouldn't be a proper sleepover without a pillow fight, right?"

A whoop of excitement escaped Han before anyone else could react. The other members, their initial shock replaced by amusement, quickly joined the chorus of agreement.

Just like that, their plans for the night were changed. Instead of goodbyes, they found themselves ushered into a spare room at the dorm, furnished with extra blankets and pillows.

The night took on a new life. Horror movie marathons replaced post-concert routines, punctuated by bursts of laughter and playful arguments. Felix, fueled by an excess of sugar from the celebratory cake, kept them entertained with his impersonations of the other members, sending them into fits of giggles.

As the night deepened, the conversations turned more personal. They shared stories about their dreams, their fears, and their hopes for the future. In the hushed whispers after the movie ended, a sense of intimacy bloomed, a connection that transcended the idol-fan dynamic.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted from the hallway. The door burst open, revealing a frazzled manager trying to contain a determined-looking group of girls.

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