Chapter 5: Melodies and Missed Notes

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Author's POV

The taxi ride to the Stray Kids dorm was a whirlwind of nervous excitement for Melody and Beth. Every twist and turn of the city streets brought them closer to what felt like an alternate reality - a slumber party with their K-Pop idols.

As they stepped out of the taxi and into the brightly lit dorm entrance, they were greeted with a wave of warmth and chaotic greetings. Stray Kids, in their casual wear, looked less intimidating and more like a group of excited friends.

The night unfolded in a flurry of activity. Board games were played, stories were shared, and laughter echoed through the dorm. Melody found herself laughing along with Felix's over-the-top reactions during the game, her gaze occasionally straying towards Hyunjin, who seemed as playful and charming in person as he did under the stage lights.

Meanwhile, Beth, a natural extrovert, thrived in the unfamiliar environment. She engaged in lively conversations with each member, her passion for K-Pop and infectious enthusiasm bridging any awkwardness that might have lingered.

However, as the night wore on, Melody couldn't help but notice a peculiar absence. Bang Chan, the group's leader and the one who had initially proposed the slumber party, that Hyunjin had told them a few minutes ago, was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, have you seen Bang Chan?" she asked Felix, who was currently tangled in a playful wrestling match with Seungmin on the floor.

Felix paused mid-wrestle, wiping a stray tear from his eye caused by laughter. "Hyung? He's probably in his studio working on some new music," he explained with a nonchalant shrug.

Melody felt a pang of concern. Working on music at this hour, while everyone else was having fun – it seemed a bit unusual.

Later, as the energy levels began to dwindle and the night settled into a comfortable lull, Melody excused herself. Finding a quiet corner, she pulled out her phone and sent a hesitant text message to Bang Chan.

"Hey Bang Chan," she typed, "I hope you're not working too hard on music. Everything sounds fun downstairs. Don't you want to join us?"

Her phone buzzed almost instantly with a reply.

"Thanks, Melody," the message read. "I appreciate you checking in. Just a bit of creative block right now. Maybe later."

Melody frowned. A creative block? It felt strange to hear this from Bang Chan, the charismatic leader who always seemed to have a constant flow of energy and ideas.

Suddenly, a new wave of understanding washed over her. While they were having a blast with Stray Kids, behind the facade of fun and laughter, struggles lurked. Just like any other artist, even K-Pop idols weren't immune to self-doubt and creative roadblocks.

Feeling a renewed sense of purpose, Melody put down her phone and walked towards Bang Chan's studio door. It was slightly ajar, revealing a sliver of light from within. Taking a deep breath, she gently knocked on the door.

The faint melody of a half-finished song filtered through the cracked door. Melody hesitated for a moment, the playful laughter emanating from the living room a stark contrast to the solitary vibe radiating from Bang Chan's studio. With a firm knock and a silent prayer, she hoped her intrusion wouldn't be unwelcome.

"It's open," came a muffled voice.

Pushing the door open a fraction, Melody peeked inside. Bang Chan sat hunched over his workstation, a frustrated frown etched onto his face. The room, usually a vibrant testament to his creativity, felt devoid of its usual spark.

"Hey," she said softly, her voice barely a whisper.

Bang Chan glanced up, surprise flickering across his features before a tired smile softened his expression. "Melody? What are you doing here?"

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