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📍University Hospital of the West Indies
7 Mona Rd, Kingston, Jamaica
3:12 pm

📍University Hospital of the West Indies 7 Mona Rd, Kingston, Jamaica3:12 pm

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Aziel Raheem Gordon//20

Mhi deh yah how long now a wait fhi the nurse or somebody fhi come tell mhi wah the fuck happen and if the man dem alright.

One moment mhi did aguh have mhi hand inah likkle pussy and the next mhi deh a hospsital a pace back and forth in the hall of said hospital.

Amiya was with me and so was Jameilia, mhi couldn't just leff the mamz a yaad, not when mhi know the man dem might spin back round and find demself a mhi yaad, and wid that security deh, they might as well get in and shoot up fimmi place like weh dem do tonight.

Only two man get injured and two died on the spot.

A who really even spin the block pan we? Right now to the way mhi brain a race mhi cah even think boh who coulda do this, even though I knew exactly who it was, mhi brain just drained and mhi nuh get nuh sleep, mhi deh yah a worry boh the life a mhi dogs dem.

Anuh mhi usual thing this fhi worry boh a next man, but this anuh sumo mhi can just gwan like seh feelings nuh involve. No.

We see the nurse weh assigned to the rooms, rushing to us and mhi just feel mhi heart drop wid the frantic look she had on her face.

Amiya stood up and met the nurse half way and I went beside her "Wahm to dem, dem alright?" I asked her.

"Uh...t-the" a wah the fuck wrong wid dah nurse yah? She new or sumo? Y the fuck she a stutter.

"Yo mhi ah ask yuh sumo ooman, mhi fucking bredda and mhi fren alright?!" I screamed at her and watched as her body shrink in fear.

Amiya put her hand on my chest and I swat it off in anger, getting a defeated look from her before she backed away from me.

Just wah know if dem good inuh, dats all mhi wah know and mhi will alright.

"So-sorry, which one is your brother?" She had a clipboard in front of her, skimping through it.

Dah bitch yah aguh mek mhi fucking choke har inuh.


"And mhi a the girlfriend fhi the next patient, Ri-Ricardo" Jameilia said, her voice breaking as she says his name.

"Please tell me mhi seh him nuh dead miss, please doh tell mhi seh him dead" her voice continued to break as she tired to hold in her tears.

The three of us stood there waiting on what she was about to say. She did a piss mhi off wid har silence.

"Kaheem Gordon is in stable condition, the bullet only pierced him...as for Ricardo Brown, he-we're watching him closely" The fuck dat supposed to mean?

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