Chapter Fourteen- LOVEEEEEE :)

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#I was Dared to Do This :)

#SoundCloud Users (follow me) : r3n_ch3st3r

Chapter Fourteen


*Sexual Content between fictional Characters from 1D XD*

*Zayn's POV*

It was thirty passed midnight and still the prom hall was filled by us, seniors.

Liam is with the other guys, leaving me bored on the table.

"Hey, baby", Liam whispered on my ear, sending shivers all over me. Then, he wrapped an arm around my neck and kissed the back of my neck.

"hey", I replied, and tilted my til it touched his. I attached our lips and he kissed me back. Oh god he taste so good.

Later, he sat on the seat beside me and placed an arm on my back. We sat there in silence, watching the other senior enjoy the last few minutes of this prom ceremony.

"As prom couple, you shouldnt just be sitting like shit there, yah know?", a girl behind us said. She tsk-ed and we turned our heads to see who it was. It was Cher and her two other girls.

What does she want?

"You know Liam? I think you're hot", she said and walked towards Liam. She pushed my seat, bringing me with it, aside and she sat 'flirtishly' on Liam's lap and ran a effing finger from his nose to his lips.

Liam stood up, with a smirk on his lips and made Cher fall on her ass. Liam walked to me and laughed when he turned to face Cher.

"Ow!", Cher screamed and everyone in the hall held the horses and placed their attention on us. "What was that for?"

"For flirting with me", Liam said and chuckled as he sat on my lap and placed an arm around my neck to support his weight. He then kissed me roughly and people started squealing.

"I'm going to get my revenge on you, Liam James!", she yelled and stood up. She fixed her high-low dress, a pink one, and stormed away with her two other buddies.

"That was rude", I said still with Liam's lips on mine.

"Sssshhh. Let me kiss you", he sang (Kiss You tune) and smirked on my lips.

The kiss deepened a li'l and Liam's weight started to feel uncomfortable on me... or is just me?

"Someone's getting excited here", Liam chuckled on my lips as he shook his behind on my crotch area. With the pleasure of his bum on my hard member, I moaned on our kiss and Liam made a dramatic entrance in it. He explored my mouth and I fre welcomed it with a tongue dance.

Liam snaked a hand on my hair and grabbed a handfull of it. He drew me closer and further deepen the hot and rough kiss. Liam pulled my hair with my head backwards and he pressed his head to mine, so that the kiss wouldnt break. Liam soon grinded his bum on my crotch and it made me even hotter and harder.

"Liam", I moaned.

"What?", he smiled on my lips again.

"Get off me", I pulled away playfullt and reached out down my pocket for my vibrating phone.

Liam got up with a smirk on his lips, and he dragged a chair to sit right beside me.

I placed my phone directly infront of my face and checked the Caller ID: Jeri.

I tapped on the answer icon and pressed the phone to my ear.

"You're late! Hurry up! I'm damn sleepy!", he yelled on the line and then hung it up.

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