Chapter Six - Wonderland Once More :3

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#So I said a long wait, but I couldnt help it!!! I love this story!!! Wahaha! And by the way, thanks for the insipiring and encourging comments :) You guys made a fourteen year old gay become very inspired!!! Here's chapter 6 for you, you awesome readers!!! 

#And really?! Nearly 700 reads for such 8 parts... Mwah! :* 

#If you guys want pictures, ask google images for Ziam :) hehehe, picture multimedia hates me... hehehe :*

Chapter 6 :P 


The bell rang ending class and OH YEAH! I am going home! Everybody seemed to have left the room, leaving me with Liam. I stood up and grabbed my bag from the tiled floor and swung it to my shoulders.

Liam sat there, staring at the white board -- which was unwritten and blank. I ran my fingers through my hair and stood on a foot as the other one was laxed.

"Liam,", I called which snapped him out of his spacing out moment, "Are you coming or what?", I hissed with an accent, a weird British accent, in my weird ways.

"Sorry, but yeah", he slapped his face once and I started walking away. "Hey! Wait up!", he called. He placed his hand on my shoulder to slow my down and I did. "C'mon! I was thinking about our date"

Oh damn. I forgot! The trip to the mountain side was tonight! How can I forget?!

"Oh yeah...", I stammered "I almost forgot about that", I lied. I clearly forgot about it completely!

"Well I havent, I had it running through my nerves the whole week and I'm damn excited", he smiled and me and rotated me around to face him then he planted a soft kissed on my cheek.

"Liam!", I hissed. "Public school remember?! We are out in public!",I continued hissing, I was totally making fun of this hot guy, because clearly ... there arent anyone on the halls.

Well, c'mon! Its a weekend afternoon! Parties run in the evening and some might be starting by now! 'Ahhh', I awed in my thoughts thinking how ridiculous high school can get.

"Have you packed for the weekend vacation?",

I froze.

I hadnt.


"Uhm...", I hummed, "Actually, no", I snapped.

Liam gave me a 'seriously?!' look.

"Really?!", he hissed and slapped his face and lowers his hand. "Dont just stand there! Lets go!",

"What’s the rush? Its like 3:45 in the afternoon," I tsk-ed. And shut my locker slowly.

"We're leaving at 4:30", he raised a skeptical brow at me and I nodded innocently, which made him jerk his head to the right. "Lets go!"

"Right", I snapped and then Liam and I ran across the school halls to the parking lot.

"You brothers and Lou left an hour ago to go to the glossaries", Liam informed. Liam clicked on his security remote for his car and his car was immediately at sight. Close to his car I didnt notice that my damn laces were untied which caused me to trip and bring Liam on the ground with me.

In a blink of an eye, I was on top of Liam, and our faces were just inches away from each other’s.

"Uhm", I hummed again and left an awkward short silence between us. "Sorry?",I snapped an apology.

"Yeah", he prolonged and lifted his head from the ground and our lips met. He pulled away and shoved me gently away and helped me stand back up.

"Thanks", I mumbled and all Liam gave me back was a seductive wink.

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