Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"So are you ready to tell me what happened with the boyfriend?" He sat opposite her. She took a sip of the wine. "He lied."

"About what?" Julian gave her that fatherly look that made you want to spill the beans but wasn't judgmental the kind of look her dad always gave her.

"He went to see an ex girlfriend and gave her money."

"Did he sleep with her?"

"I don't think so."

"So he gave her money for an abortion, rent what?"

"She's a childhood friend of his and she asked."

"So he felt obligated to help a friend but lied to you about seeing her. Why?"

"Because we had an issue before when I misinterpreted his relationship with her."

"Okay so he lied about seeing her because you might misinterpret him seeing her again and he wanted to avoid drama."

"Damn Julian I freaked out the who meeting made the afternoon news. Seeing him with her fucking lips on him it brought back the shit with him and her and the shit I went through with Shannon. And I freaked out." She paused hurt.

Julian took her hand in his. "Tell me beautiful."

"Then when I confronted him everything went south He started coming at me like our relationship meant nothing to me. It was like it was some sort of game. for him."

Fresh tears started to fall from her eyes as she recalled the argument from that morning."

"What did he say Wynter." She smiled wiping at her tears trying to repress the pain she felt at the words she couldn't forget." He told me he was just seeing me because my brother asked him and he just wanted to see if I were still a good fuck.." Wynter looked at Julian who had bust out in a fit of laughter that left him with tears in his eyes. She didn't know whether to feel offended or not that he thought her life was funny.

"Wynter...that man is in love with you. He wanted to kill me for giving you those clothes and He did threaten me. And when he thought the crazy stalker might have done something to you he damn near lost his fucking mind trying to find you. He fucked up my whole shooting schedule."

" He doesn't love me." The tears welled up in her eyes she pushed them away with the back of her hand. Was Tonio trying to protect her by pushing her away.

"Beautiful I know a man in love and Tonio has all the symptoms."

"But what he said."

"Is a defense mechanism he's using." Julian shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe he's trying to protect you and the only way to do that is push you away.

"Do you really think that"

"It's a possibility"

"You know those photos of you and him I took they'll be coming out at around the time training camp starts. I know your brother. I can't see him being happy about your lack of clothing with Tonio."

"Me neither. " She smiled through her tears unsure what to believe now.

"He wanted you in those photos with him so he could tell the world that you're his. Those photos of you two are going to be in time square so be prepared.

"I didn't know that."

"Tonio did. Don't worry they'll be classy but still provocative." He smiled giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. " You two are going to be on display for the world to see and they are going to love the both of you."

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