
184 4 3

It just came to my attention that...








...this book has a little over half of a thousand reads... that's weird because this (in my opinion) is kind of a shitty book. Anyway, I have a new book that is tied to this one. Its about one of your teammates :) But anyway, to make this book better, I really need for you guys or gals to comment what could be better! Don't be shy, I won't bite. I really want to make this book at least decent and I can't do that without any help from y'all. Even if it's about my wording of whatever the fuck is going on, it'll help. And I also have nothing to do, so if you guys just commence miniscule amounts of tomfoolery in the comments I. Will. Read. It.














...Oh, yeah. BTW the book about your teammate is named "Infinite Remains". That's right, one of your teammates is Infinite the Jackal. I feel that he doesn't get enough appreciation or respect. He was just written shitty in a kinda shitty game.
So yeah, that's all. See ya in the next chapter :) PEACE!

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