Blind Spots

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When we are at the peak of something that sates our humanly desire, and a reminder is presented on our way, seemingly stopping us from that of which will make us happy at the moment, we often resort into finding acceptable reasons in order to sate ourselves, convincing our nafs that we are doing it right whilst it is against the Divine Law. Insān that we are.

There's even this twisted thinking of us that we find fault in the lives of those who remind us just so we can continue doing what we want to do, making their mistakes and flaws as excuse and validity just for our sins to be continued and have our caprice sated (e.g. Siya nga ganito ganiyan din. Bakit ako lang ang nakikita.) Shaytān and his tricks in our minds! Naūdhubillāhi minas shaytānir rajīm.

And so one of the things that we must give focus on is the way we behave when we are reminded. Let's give attention to the actions of our qalb when reminders are presented to us.
What do we often resort into? How do we behave? What are the words that we often let go of?

Perhaps at the peak of our pain, we wouldn't be able to see what people see, but when the fire cools down, let's open our mind and take a look deeper on the part which people thought was wrong. Let's scrutinize our actions deeply and reflect on what went wrong. What could be a blind spot to us which was very much visible in the eyes of other people?

Recently, I read some of my reflections, and realized one thing; it's not my intention to do something which some people accused me of, but that is how I appeared in the eyes of those who read them, because of my actions and choices of words. That therefore should make me refrain from over sharing things even if it can benefit others (bi idhnillāh) when the cons that it have for my īmān is higher than the pros. I know for sure that we should careless of the opinion of other people, but we also have to reflect on the way we bring ourselves and be, "ah kaya pala niya ito nasabi kasi ganito pala ang ginagawa ko."

It could be a door to turning over into a new leaf. Perhaps, we may not be able to see what lies behind the blind spots at the moment. Perhaps it would take us more knowledge, wisdom, and age before we'd finally agree that we were wrong and they're right. Nevertheless, behave with dignity when you are presented with reminders and be thankful that there are souls who are concerned enough to notice the holes that you weren't able to see.

Reminders benefit the believers, indeed.

—Veiled Poet | Blind Spots

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