Meteor (Lucky's Primary Test Subject)

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This is Meteor

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This is Meteor. He is an undead dog, and he died by getting shot in the eye by a gang member, and the bullet tragically hit his brain. 

He is a trans masc (female to male) and gay. He currently has a growing crush on Bubblegum (an OC I'll make later btw)

He is Lucky's primary test subject. One day, Lucky needed a test subject, but he didn't want to use one of his more favorable employees as one for his products. So, he went to the Toonville cemetery very late at night where no one was awake. Not even the police. He unburied Meteor, and took him to his house. He revived Meteor, and stitched him new skin. Meteor was confused, but also excited since he foolishly thought that this would be a new beginning for him. But, he was wrong.

Lucky threw Meteor in a small cell, with very little food and water until it's time to test a new product, usually resulting in Meteor getting very injured in the process. If he does something that Lucky doesn't slightly like, Meteor gets brutally whipped by Lucky. Lucky has manipulated Meteor into thinking the Lucky actually loves and cares about him (like a father). However, Meteor is just a crappy slave to Lucky, nothing more, nothing less.

Meteor has always been fascinated with space and psychology, and really wants to be ether an astrologist or a psychologist. Whenever he gets excited about becoming one of those two, he quickly gets disappointed and sad knowing that he'll forever just be a shitty test subject to Lucky.

Meteor can only go out in public for only a couple hours a day, and he's very limited on what he can do. He's not allowed to get any jobs or make any kind of money, so he just looks as the plants wanting to know more about them. He's also pretty good friends with Luna, and he even helped her with the recovery from the abuse she endured from Strawberry. Meteor's also pretty good at comforting people.

Meteor also transitioned before he died. He is also a golden retriever (the breed that he was before he got shot)

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