UTTP Lily (The assistant leader of all the UTTP members)

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Note: I do NOT support the UTTP in any way, shape, or form

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Note: I do NOT support the UTTP in any way, shape, or form. This OC was made for lore purposes only.


Meet UTTP Lily (or just Lily for short). As you can tell, she is a uttp member. Or more accurately, the assistant leader of all uttp members. 

She is The Bosses only daughter, and she's the one responsible for most of the uttp cronies. Her cronies love her dearly, and she loves them back very much. 

She is much older than most of her cronies (17) since a lot of them are young kids. She can tolerate most the clones just fine. However, she DESPISES Danno, Cdotkom, Datchia, and pretty much anyone on the creators side. She also REALLY  hates Luna and D.D., and she'll do anything to get her cronies to ruin the creators and Luna's lives, by making her cronies make fake screenshots for her. However, they almost never work.

 She has NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder), and she is Ace. She's also Pan, but she's in denial about that. 

She gets frustrated easily and acts pretty immaturely sometimes. And she's also not very good at remembering addresses.



When Lily was a little girl, her parents pretty much neglected her, and only saw her as an inconvenience. Sure they fed her and stuff but they never actually gave her any affection.

Anyway, one day when she was about 4 years old, her front door was unlocked, and she wandered off, thus going missing. It was all over the news but her parents didn't care.

While Lily was walking down a sidewalk in a city, The Boss noticed her. He was in search for more UTTP members and so he thought that Lily would be perfect. He took her with him, and raised her as if she was his own daughter. The Boss also raised her into being first, just another UTTP member, then eventually, decided that she will be the assistant leader since The Boss was THE leader of all the UTTP cronies.

Marble Boo's OC/Lore Book~! 💖🍒🌸Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя